

1ug相当于4000国际单位,以单位体积里所含溶质的物质的量摩尔数来表示溶液组成的物理量,叫作该溶质的摩尔浓度,又称该溶质物质的量浓度。国际单位制(法语:Système International d'Unités 符号:SI),源自公制或米制,旧称“万国公制”,是现时世界上最普遍采用的标准度量衡单位系统,采用十进制进位系统。是18世纪末科学家的努力,最早于法国大革命时期的1799年被法国作为度量衡单位。国际单位制是在公制基础上发展起来的单位制,于1960年第十一届国际计量大会通过,推荐各国采用,其国际简称为SI。

一个国际单位相当于0.025微克的维生素D3,一微克的维生素D3有40国际单位.所以7.5微克的维生素d相当于300单位的维生素d。 1ug等于40单位的维生素d,7.5ug应该相当于300单位。我们每天维生素d的生理需要量,至少应该在400到600单位。

Vitamin A Technical Details:

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is important for vision, bone growth and cell division.

Vitamin A consists of Retinol from animal sources, and Provitamin A Carotenoids from plant sources.

Retinol is referred to as pre-formed vitamin A. This means that it can be used directly by the body.

Provitamin A Carotenoids are Vitamin A precursors . This means that they are converted to Vitamin A by the body. However, conversion of the carotenoids is less efficient than that of retinol.

The Provitamin A Carotenoids are beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopein, lutein and zeaxanthin (lutein and zeaxanthin are combined in the current database). The carotenoids are responsible for the red and yellow pigments of plants.

A unit called Retinol Activity Equivalents (RAE) is used to compare the Vitamin A activity of the different forms of Vitamin A. 1 µg (microgram) of retinol is equivalent to 1 µg RAE. However it takes 12 µg beta-carotene to equal 1 µg RAE, and 24 µg of the other carotenoids to equal 1 µg RAE. The following table summarizes the conversion of vitamin A values to RAE:

Historical Measures of Vitamin A

Previously, a unit called International Units (IU) was used to describe Vitamin A activity. However, at the time International Units for Vitamin A were defined (1989), it was thought that beta-carotene was half as concentrated as retinol (beta-carotene is now considered to be only 1/12 as concentrated as retinol).

Because of this, Vitamin A measurements expressed as IU tend to over-state the contribution of the provitamin A carotenoids. The following table summarizes the conversion of Vitamin A values to IU:

When it was determined that IU tended to overstate the contribution of the provitamin A carotenoids, a new unit called Retinol Equivalents (RE) was defined to describe the new values. At the time beta-carotene was thought to be 1/6 as concentrated as retinol. The following table describes the conversion of vitamin A values to RE:

In 2001, the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine (NAS IOM) determined that Vitamin A activity from carotenoids is only half of what was previously believed. To account for this difference, and to avoid confusion, the new unit Retinol Activity Equivalents (RAE) was defined. Retinol Equivalents (RE) are no longer used.

The following table summarizes the relationship between the different measures:

IU Details

At the time of this writing (2004), the RDI (Reference Daily Intake) of Vitamin A is 5000 IU. However, IU is an inaccurate measure of vitamin A activity because it overstates the contributions of the provitamin A carotenoids (by a factor of 6). The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) is considering changing the RDI to express it in terms of RAE.

Because the conversion of IU to RAE is different for retinol and the carotenoids, you cannot convert IU to RAE (or RAE to IU) for Total Vitamin A unless you know the proportion of retinol to carotenoids in the sample.

For example, knowing that you have 40 IU of Total Vitamin A is not enough information to determine how much retinol and carotenoids you have. 40 IU of Total Vitamin A can come from 12 µg RAE of retinol, or from 2 µg RAE of carotenoids, or from 6 µg RAE retinol plus 1 µg RAE carotenoids, or from many other combinations of retinol and carotenoids. The following table summarizes:

nutraCoster Details

Entering Retinol or Carotenoids Values

When you enter RAE for retinol or any of the carotenoids, nutraCoster automatically calculates the IU and %RDI values for the nutrient.

Finally, nutraCoster willrecalculate the IU and %RDI values of Total Vitamin A based on the new values for retinol and carotenoids.

Example: Suppose you have 80 µg RAE Total Vitamin A, which is composed of 60 µg RAE retinol and 20 µg RAE total carotenoids. The following table lists the values for the example:

Now change the Total Vitamin A RAE to 120 µg RAE. nutraCoster performs the following steps:

Total Vitamin A RAE was the sum of the retinol and carotenoids values, so nutraCoster increases retinol and carotenoids proportionally to 90µg RAE and 30 µg RAE.

The new value of 90 µg RAE for retinol converts to 300 IU and 6 %RDI.

The new value of 30 µg RAE for carotenoids converts to 600 IU and 12 %RDI.

Using the new IU and %RDI values, Total Vitamin A is now 900 IU and 18 %RDI.

The following table shows the results after the change:

nutraCoster performs a similar series of steps when you enter IU or %RDI values for Total Vitamin A.


When you enter or change a value for Total Carotenoids, nutraCoster checks to see if the Total Carotenoids value was equal to the sum of the individual Provitamin A Carotenoids before the change. If it was, nutraCoster recalculates the individual carotenoid values so the sum of the values equals the new Total Carotenoids value, while keeping the proportions the same.

When you enter or change a value for any of the individual carotenoids, nutraCoster checks to see if the Total Carotenoids value was equal to the sum of the individual Provitamin A Carotenoids before the change. If so, nutraCoster adjusts the Total Carotenoids value to equal the sum of the individual carotenoid values after the change.


由于人体 维生素A 来源于动物性食物的维生素A和植物性食物中的 胡萝卜素 ( 维生素A原 ),而维生素A的常用计量单位为国际单位(IU),胡萝卜素的常用计量单位为μg(微克)或者mg(毫克),为了统一计量膳食中的维生素A, FAO /WHO(1967)提出了视黄醇当量(Retinol Equivalent, RE)概念。其含义是包括视黄醇和 β-胡萝卜素 在内的具有维生素A活性物质所相当的视黄醇量。

视黄醇当量、 维生素A 、 β-胡萝卜素 的换算关系如下:

1μg β-胡萝卜素=0.167μg视黄醇当量(理论上1分子β-胡萝卜素能形成2分子维生素A,但因为 胡萝卜素 的吸收率为1/3,而吸收后转化为维生素A的 转化率 又只有1/2,所以,1μg的胡萝卜素只能折算为0.556IU维生素A,即0.167μg视黄醇当量。1IU维生素A=0.3μg视黄醇当量)



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