



荷花(Lotus flower)属山龙眼目,莲科,是莲属二种植物的通称。又名莲花、水芙蓉等。是莲属多年生水生草本花卉。地下茎长而肥厚,有长节,叶盾圆形。花期6至9月,单生于花梗顶端,花瓣多数,嵌生在花托穴内,有红、粉红、白、紫等色,或有彩纹、镶边。坚果椭圆形,种子成卵形。




前美容市场上专门提升成熟肌肤紧致度的产品并不多见,如雅芳的"新活弹力系列"等。这种产品与一般护肤品的不同之处是含有"三重紧致提升配方",能令弹力素有力捆绑健康的胶原蛋白,增强皮肤弹性。 一:洗去污垢,补充皮肤水分 1、用毛巾热敷:将热毛巾放在面部敷3分钟左右。皮肤受热后,留存在皮肤上面的皮屑将会自动翘起。 2、换季时,用洗面奶洗脸:使用含有微粒的洗面奶洗脸。避开眼角和嘴角,以额头和鼻子为中心,轻轻按摩面部后用水清洗。 3、按摩面部:用按摩方法清除用颗粒洗面奶无法洗掉的皮屑。涂抹较厚的一层按摩霜之后,按部位按摩。 4、最后涂抹精华素和面霜:精华素和面霜按2:1比例混合后涂抹于面部。因为刚刚做了按摩,能够快速吸收营养。 二:补充维生素 肌肉代谢需要大量氧气,而氧气在氧化过程中形成大量的游离根,大量游离根,大量游离根积聚在肌肉组织中并污染肌肉组织,时间一长使肌肉组织发生坏死,这种变化和铁器生锈的机理一样,都是具有强烈氧化作用的氧气作祟的结果。阻止这种氧化作用保护肌肉免受游离根"锈蚀"的办法是补充维生素C和维生素E。一般成人每天服用12-35毫克维生素E和60毫克维生素C就足以生效,至于运动员,则应比常人摄入更多。 三:皮肤的保湿方法 1、涂抹厚厚一层保湿霜:晚上洗脸后,涂抹厚厚一层保湿霜,千万不要吝惜。这样不光是留在皮肤上的皮屑会自动脱落,还能起到保湿皮肤的作用。 2、每周做一次面膜:如果认为皮肤干燥,请每周做一次面膜。如果皮肤严重干燥,则需每周做两次面膜。残留在皮肤上的皮屑会自动脱落,同时使皮肤变得靓丽。 3、使用洗面液简单按摩:这种按摩对皮肤非常有益,是清除皮屑,供应水分最好的方法。涂抹厚厚一层洗面液之后,按部位按摩皮肤。每周做一次按摩为宜。 不需花太多的金钱,只要勤做以上三部曲,就可以还你紧实肌肤,让肌肤恢复弹性的。因为这是最基本的护肤步骤,如果连这些都做不到的话,花钱去美容,购买昂贵的美容产品也是没有用的。世上没有丑女人,只有懒女人MM加油拉 回答者:薄荷叶mintleaf - 助理 二级 11-21 10:30 从4方面入手: 一、洗脸时冷热水交替拍脸,最后一遍一定是冷水拍,然后用毛巾吸干水分。注意动作轻柔。我从10年前开始用这个方法,可以有效收紧皮肤,有弹性。 二、从内部补充营养。消化系统是人体吸收的主要器官,通过消化道吸收养分,要比往脸上涂抹东西有效多了,毕竟皮肤的吸收能力远远比不上胃肠道。注意把食品做成易吸收的,比如煲成汤、打成糊,就比炒着吃更好吸收。 三、选用合适的护肤产品。按说以你的年龄皮肤应该很紧实健康。像我们这样的年龄,皮肤往往更需要水分,注意用温和的产品补水。但不要直接往脸上喷水,补完水应该马上抹润肤产品。顺着皮肤的纹理轻柔画圈按摩一会。 四、注意生活细节。保证充足睡眠,作息有规律,戒除不良生活习惯,多喝水,适当运动,保持全身活力。 回答者:lotus_mm - 魔法学徒 一级 11-21 11:26 水油不平衡是所有肌肤问题的源头,干燥的季节里,不能够及时补充水份,就会发生皮肤粗糙,毛孔粗大,暗沉,起皮,敏感,松弛等老化现象,所以我们要在每天的护理中给她补充足量的水份和营养,皮肤护理的每一个环节都非常重要,环环相扣,缺一不可: 首先要从清洁工作做起,清透不堵塞的毛孔才能让水份与营养源源不断的到达皮肤深层,选择一款能够深层洁肤又无刺激的产品尤其重要,一定要用纯植物,无香料的。 第二步,皮肤清洁干净了,就要给她补充足量的水份和营养,这个步骤是很重要的,缺水造成的水油失恒,干性皮肤容易起皮,出现小皱纹,油性皮肤就会冒小痘痘,毛孔粗大,所以要拍足水,直到感觉皮肤不吸收了才可以,不要吝啬那点儿水,毕竟女人的脸比票子要重要得多。 第三步,给水份加盖,锁住水份和营养,如果不做这一步,补足的水份和营养很快会蒸发流失,前期工作就白做了,油性皮肤用保湿乳,干性皮肤用保湿霜,这样做几天就会看到皮肤变得水嫩嫩的,弹性十足了。 特别提醒:记得每周要祛一次角质,面膜也要记得用。我现在用的是DHC的滋养套装,挺滋润的,皮肤柔柔的,如果你感兴趣可以申请个试用装试试,

The US valuable lotus through great writer's advertisement investment and the upscale market's special counter construction, causes the spokesman who oneself become the fashionable tidal current Compared in the Chinese cosmetics market attacks the high-end skill to be insufficient, takes the populace route to flow in the popular goods domestically produced brand, the US valuable lotus has obtained the unification in the contradiction 2003 year mid-December, the US valuable lotus has held a activity in New York, celebrates its Chinese Branch to start the profit This distance US valuable lotus enters Chinese market already in the recent 8 years But the Chinese market's profit, looks like in the US valuable lotus, is a successful matter At the same time, possesses the Multinational corporation which develops in China to be the same likely, US valuable lotus most recent several years management, what are more is pays great attention the market development and the channel construction, but is not take gains as the first goal; On the other hand, along with to the Chinese market understanding's gradual deepening, the US valuable lotus has located itself, no matter in recent years were the brand management or the channel construction, more and more tallied with the Chinese national condition In the populace cosmetics market, today's US valuable lotus already occupied the market absolute initiative in the Chinese home, covers Paulo according to Oulaiya China company chairman “the Pyramid type strategy”, the US valuable lotus is continued to locate for the populace consumable The US valuable lotus had a slogan “to let each Chinese women have a US valuable lotus's product at least” In order to serve this purpose, the US valuable lotus formulated had the affinity price to the Chinese ordinary consumers US valuable lotus lipstick's price basic superior in 30-60 Yuan this sector But Shiseido's similar products price above 100 Yuan, looks like SK mostly Ⅱ Such brand, Similar products' price is US valuable lotus's 10 times nearly Along with the SARS time's reduction behavior, the US valuable lotus's product more and more can expend in the price for the populace, in theirs promotion, the individual type's lipstick price even already lowered to 10 Yuan, must be lower than the majority of domestically produced brand's price, this stimulated greatly to the price has been sensitive, but had the pursue name brand trend low end consumer the US valuable lotus is take the female as the goal expense community's brand, but when purchases the cosmetics, what the female most pays attention is the product brand, its proportion relative high Therefore, although is the price not high popularity product, but the US valuable lotus actually pays attention sets up own brand image the advertisement takes enhances the brand popularity and the loyalty method effectively, is valued cosmetics enterprise's But the cosmetics consumer is also easiest is about the advertisement institute community Therefore, in 1999 until now, cosmetics advertisement continuously by its strong delivery tendency hold advertisement market front row Compares with its competitor, the US valuable lotus feminine launches a psychological attack to the present age to fight is more overbearing and is swift and fierce Opens a fashionable publication casually and turns on the television, may see the US valuable lotus the advertisement It is reported that the US valuable lotus's once occupied the Chinese overall cosmetics advertisement investment in advertisement investment 1/2 to adapt Chinese's esthetic taste, the US valuable lotus invited inland star Zhang Ziyi in April, 2001 to take the post of its Asian vivid spokesman, attempted by her health contour, the fresh makings, the enchanting charm to deduct the US valuable lotus to be compatible, fashion, vigor, vitality brand image although US valuable lotus in price and channel aspect more and more popular, but because its brand image maintains quite well, the consumer has not reduced to its brand fine reputation and the loyalty Moreover, because has the formidable brand image support, the US valuable lotus product produces goods rate has been high, can provide the stable repayment to the dealer, even if therefore yields profit for the dealer is lower than the competitor far, various dealers are willing to cooperate with them has the formidable rallying point brand, to proliferate the price which each corner the sales network, the majority of consumers can accept, the low cost of operation, the US valuable lotus's in domestic market start profit is merely “the start











参考资料来源:人民网-女性每天涂168种成份  护肤品切忌“叠罗汉”




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