

Help! 1! I don't know what the world through channels to refer to an emergency, through your signal to the world of a man SOS book: I recently had a family to three level of first-class hospital wards. A moment ccu hospitalization, doctor-patient relationship was forcibly high-dose anesthesia will it into morgue, 7 degrees Celsius. Now I frozen world turn to look, Taipei, Japan, the United States, or any other country or region conscience of medical institutions, kind-hearted, whether can show love, can help the body after "freeze thaw and will try to make it the resurrection."

All events are such: our family, she refuses to eat, because sometimes cause nutritional deficiencies, viscera function weakness. Also tried before, twice the doctor says seriously ill patients, have life risk, but soon all motality. The doctor will mobilize our family, they turn to the ICU ward said: "the costs are much expensive, but also much bigger." From March 18th at 10 a.m. to enter a courtyard, total mobilization of around three times: first doctor said, turn to the living room, ICU is six, Second, don't turn to mobilize the patient's family must sign ICU you, Third, from mobilization to charge it: "you want to turn the ICU ward, not just turn, that you would go to buy clothes (refers to wear clothes shroud - dead) to her! Go to, the anesthesiologist is coming!" We immediately, I doubt heart surgery, and not loved to operate the anesthesiologist? Is the patient's family is: "you don't promise that I will patients from CCU, then we turned to the ICU for patients with severe anesthesia hospital, let her shock to really die from feign death?! Is this?" Naturally, after a while, the doctor say: "from a ward of dead loved you, you go to see the appearance and the pulse and blood pressure is not lost." We looked into several brothers, the instrument (I do not understand what is called it "the heart that monitors"! Upper: an ecg showed for a straight and level, Upper: the pulse frequency is 0, Instruments: blood pressure and other display all have no. Then I several brothers will immediately in accordance with the general health, meridian spirit of "book of manual emergency measures, press" heart "in her, and to a total of five Yang" three points and then immediately miracle appear: heart monitors all at once, the recovery from straight and level, electrocardiogram to have higher ripple display, and gently, rather than to a roller coaster, Upper: the pulse frequency from 0 to rise gradually to a higher number of beats, the highest of 139, also not be dramatic display, Blood tend to show below normal range, other display. Our side pressure points, while I say to the doctor, you see, all beings, that means we all got up very well! Hurry up rescue! I beg you! Behold, the doctor said: "the rescue hatry what! We've been saving more than a hour, not rescue!" Some doctors say: "want to save, why not early days, and the patient to why don't promise to ICU ward?" I kept crying, begged. Behold the doctor wouldn't listen. I said to them: "you see, see, isn't that well? I speak in the book but do ah, that is the experts and scholars, pundits writing books, the issuance of!" But the doctors hatry said: "how, what the experts, here we are, we calculate by authority!" Then will I cast out. We will make the family to die body according to the morgue 7 degrees Celsius frozen. Gosh, o earth jc, everything in the world is good, the netizens justice, please help me! The relatives Alas, save! Beg you to save her,! As the saying goes: "good", I believe that the world will get all the rewards of, in the end. My family is still in the morgue, maybe not freeze for many days will be cremated, an emergency out! It is urgent! It is extremely urgent, eagerly expect good reputation, good doctors and medical institutions early, save a life! Ask around the kind of netizens can see? I don't understand English, deeply hope, will it have good translated into English and to the rapid release, spread. Thank you!

护士进医院有很多的科室,科室的选择是非常重要的,首先根据你自己的喜好,其次根据他的薪资待遇,ccu,可是当然是非常不错的 但是这样的科室或者是非常累的,也是比较辛苦的,但是能够学到更多的知识




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