The temperature at which a liquid solidifies under the influence of a particular set of conditions.
Temperature at which a liquid solidifies under any given set of conditions.It may or may not be the same as the melting point or the more rigidly defined true freezing point or (for water) ice point.
The temperature at which a substance goes from the liquid phase to the solid phase.
The temperature at which a material freezes.(See also Melting Point).
The temperature at which the first crystal of ice appears during freezing,this can be the same temperature as the melting point,however water and aqueous solutions have a tendency to supercool and ice formation can be delayed to temperatures significantly below the melting point.For example in carefully controlled conditions water may be cooled to -40°C before ice nucleation becomes inevitable.
Temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid,at normal atmospheric pressure
Whe the processes of freezing and thawing are in equilibrium
the temperature below which a liquid turns into a solid
The melting point of a solid is the temperature at which it changes state from solid to liquid.
宗上所述,大多数定义把冰点freezing point定义为
或 物质由固体转化为液体时的温度
冰点也称凝固点,即物体固液转变的温度点,会受到外界条件的影响(如大气压),在英语中称为freezing point(凝固点另有solidifying point) 大多数定义把冰点定义为 物质由液体转化为固体时的温度或物质由固体转化为液体时的温度但会收到大气压的影响通常冰点在国内化学上被成为凝固点(较书面化,因为冰是水的固态形式),按中文字面直解即可理解为物质由固到液的临界点