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3.关注这一行a href="/b/314997-1195031270.html" ,可以到得某个影片的页面地址,通过分析(当然是我分析的啦)看出这个地址的格式是vid-uid.html.
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由此,可以知道这个a href="/b/314997-1195031270.html"指向的真实影片地址由http://v.iask.com/v_blog.php?vid=314997&test=0得到的,于是访问这个地址.
明代(公元1368-1644年),牡丹的栽培的中心,转移到了安徽亳州。夏之臣《评亳州牡丹》云:“吾亳州牡丹,年来浸盛,娇容三变,尤在季孟之间。等此而上,有天香一品,石榴红,胜娇容,宫红袍,琉璃贯珠,新红种种不一,杂红最后出,品种难得。又有大黄一种,轻腻可爱,不减三变。佛顶青为白色第一。大抵红花以花子红,银红、桃红为上。”又云:“草堂数武之步,种莳殆偏,率以两色并作一丛,红白异状,错综其间,又以平头紫,庆天香,先春红三色插入其花丛,间集而成文章,他时盛开灿然若锦”。此时开中国插花技术之先河。Heartsdales - So Tell MeHearts da l-e-s baby
It's Hearts da l-e-s
It's Hearts da l-e-s that's right
So what you, what you, what you want? Come on!
Are you ready? [risetto] ima ga chance, baby shunkan mikiwamete dare to dance, baby? mokuteki wa hitotsu some mo sora sazu kanarazu waratte emono wo byou satsu
Heartsdales shimai wa shirokuro [hakkiri] ichi kara juu made [meiku] wa [bacchiri] on the regular hykubaa wo dashi kiri kuinai jinsei (say what?)
tanoshimi bousou tokkyu d[toppu] ni sakidatsu [reesu] wa jibun no aizu de noridasu masumasu kageki na [furoo] kimi dekina sou sou tell me what you want, what you, what you want
Sobani ite hoshii nara So tell me what you want, come on! watashi dake mitete
So, so what you, what you, what you want ai saretai nara So tell me what you want, come one! mimamotte ite ne zutto zutto
Hearts, da l-e-s baby
It's Hearts da l-e-s
It's Hearts da l-e-s, that's right
So what you, what you, what you want? Come on!
Hot baby, hot baby 1,2,3,4 [haakoo] na femme fatale sanjou make them say
[Yo, dare ano ne-chan] keisan zuku de keikaku tateru hirameku meian the unbelievable kitazo the chick that's fly kono yo ittamon kachi no gyoukai shikamo we the most ikareta kyudai I'll make you say you're sorry like
Chicago, right
shunbakusuu ageteku kokoro tokimeku [serebu] to chillin [merusedesu] you know it's like that hibi ugoku to make a zaisan
bibiraseru nousatsu [furoo] wo kaichau ichido ki kya hyou mitsuki
dakara itsumo cats love this like I'm [furisukii] atama ni chukugeki sureba ase nigiru te ni [maiku] de we about to set a record Sobani ite hoshii nara
So tell me what you want, come on! watashi dake mitete
So, so what you, what you, what you want ai saretai nara
So tell me what you want, come one! mimamotte ite ne zutto zutto
We got Jewels, all the way live! (Way live!)
We got Rum, all the way live! (Way live!)
Heartsdales, all the way live! (Way live!)
All the way live!
I spray kashi like toryuu machi no kabe bomb ume tsukusu local kara global, hey yo, uwasahirome umi koe yuku yo diplomat [rikomen] suru [adobaisu] (you check shitoke) hinote no you na verse mitoreteru hazu
hitome boreshi chau Queen from shutoken we bring the kakumei ishoku na sisters from hikaru wakusei Sobani ite hoshii nara So tell me what you want, come on!
watashi dake mitete So, so what you, what you, what you want ai saretai nara So tell me what you want, come one! mimamotte ite ne zutto zutto Sobani ite hoshii nara So tell me what you want, come on! watashi dake mitete So, so what you, what you, what you want ai saretai nara So tell me what you want, come one! mimamotte ite ne zutto zutto
What you want, what you want, what you want
What you want, what you want, what you want from me, huh.( x4 )
yougot sdales like that