(1) [sweeling tidehigh water]∶ 涨潮 时达到的最高水位 (2) [wave]∶叙事文学中 矛盾 冲突发展到最 紧张 、最尖锐的阶段 (3) [climaxupsurge]∶ 比喻 事物高度发展的阶段 掀起 社会 主义建设高潮 人们选择和布置 这么 一个场面来作为 迎春 的高潮,真是 匠心 独运!—— 《花城》 详细解释 (1).在潮的一个涨落周期内,水面上升的最高潮位。 (2).比喻事物高度发展的阶段。 毛 * 《 中国 人民站起来了》 :“ 随着 经济建设的高潮的到来,不可避免地将要出现一个 文化 建设的高潮。” 瞿秋白 《乱弹·谈谈“三人行”》 :“而小说结束得这样匆促,简直没有发展对于新起来的反 帝国主义 高潮的描写的可能。” (3).小说、戏剧、电影情节中矛盾冲突发展到最尖锐、最紧张的阶段。这时,主要人物的性格、作品的主题 思想 都获得 充分 的表现。戏剧术语中称为“顶点”。 秦牧 《艺海拾贝· 眼睛 的奥妙》 :“一首曲有它的最 美妙 的地方,一出戏有它的高潮,一幅画有它的最 精彩 之处。”
高的解释 高 ā 由下到上距离大的,与“低” 相对 :高峰。高空。高踞。 高原 。高耸。 高山流水 (喻知己、 知音 或乐曲高妙)。高屋建瓴( 形容 居高临下 的 形势 )。高瞻远瞩。 高度:他身高一米八。 等级在上的:高级。高考。 在 潮的解释 潮 á 海水因为受了日月的引力而定时涨落的现象:潮水。潮汐。涨潮。落潮。潮汛。潮流。潮涌。 像潮水那样汹涌起伏的:思潮。热潮。新潮。潮红。潮热。心潮澎湃。 湿:潮气。返潮。 潮湿 。 方言,技术不高:手艺
下载地址 http://shuoguo.org/mp3/Whenever.mp3whenever, wherever——by拉丁女神 shakira lucky you were born that far away soso we could both make fun of distance
lucky that i love a foreign land for
the lucky fact of your existence
baby i would climb the andes solely
to count the freckles on your body
never could imagine there were only
ten million ways to love somebody
le do le le le le, le do le le le le
can't you see...i'm at your feet
whenever, wherever
we're meant to be together
i'll be there and you'll be near
and that's the deal my dear
thereover, hereunder
you'll never have to wonder
we can always play by ear
and that's the deal my dear
lucky that my lips not only mumble
they spill kisses like a fountain
lucky that my breasts are small and humble
so you don't confuse them with mountains
lucky i have strong legs like my mother
to run for cover when i need it
and these two eyes that for no other
the day you leave will cry a river
le do le le le le, le do le le le le
at your feet...i'm at your feet
whenever, wherever
we're meant to be together
i'll be there and you'll be near
and that's the deal my dear
thereover, hereunder
you'll never have to wonder
we can always play by ear
but that's the deal my dear
le do le le le le, le do le le le le
think out load, say it again
le do le le le le
tell me one more time
that you'll live
lost in my eyes
whenever, wherever
we're meant to be together
i'll be there and you'll be near
and that's the deal my dear
thereover, hereunder
you've got me head over heels
there's nothing left to fear
if you really feel the way i feel
whenever, wherever
we're meant to be together
i'll be there and you'll be near
and that's the deal my dear
thereover, hereunder
you've got me head over heels
there's nothing left to fear
if you really feel the way i feel