
宝宝妈妈2023-05-28  28






















解表药:细辛 桂枝 防风 羌活 蔓荆子 葛根 柴胡 炒牛蒡子 蝉衣 荆芥 薄荷 桑叶 菊花 升麻

清热药:金银花 连翘 黄芩 黄柏 黄连 虎杖 栀子 重楼 柴胡 板兰根 蒲公英

地骨皮 知母 生地黄 玄参 胖大海 大血藤 赤芍 白头翁 牡丹皮

化痰止咳平喘药:炙麻黄 制半夏 川贝 浙贝 杏仁 炒苏子 炒莱菔子 炙百部

前胡 白前 桑白皮 葶苈子 炙紫菀 炙冬花 鱼腥草 炒白芥子 桔梗

浮海石 制远志

平肝熄风药:天麻 勾藤 炒僵蚕 炒地龙 蜈蚣 全蝎

祛风湿药:羌活 独活 木瓜 威灵仙 仙灵脾 海风藤 青风藤 制狗脊 骨碎补

防风 虎杖 香加皮 稀莶草 秦艽 鸡血藤 忍冬藤 续断 槲寄生 制南星

制川乌 制草乌 泽兰

活血化瘀药:当归 川芎 制元胡 郁金 丹参 桃仁 红花 炒地必虫 淮牛膝

川牛膝 制乳香 制没药 炙甲片 牡丹皮

行气药:陈皮 木香 炒枳壳 制香附 片姜黄 制元胡

止血药:白及 茜草 蒲黄炭

芳香化湿药:藿香 佩兰 壳砂仁 炒苍术 制川朴

消食药:炙鸡金 炒莱菔子

利水渗湿药:茯苓 泽泻 茵陈 炒车前子 米仁 金钱草 扁蓄 瞿麦 滑石 海金沙

安神药:炒酸枣仁 制远志 制五味子

补虚药:紫河车粉 鹿角片 炒杜仲 制山茱萸 枸杞子 党参 炒白术 黄芪 甘草

当归 炒白芍 熟地黄 麦冬 北沙参

泻下药:生大黄 火麻仁 郁李仁 大戟 牵牛子 甘遂 芒硝

XieBiao medicine: asarum cassia twig windbreak JingZi pueraria anhydronotoptol tendril armeniacae amarum fry burdock son cicada watercress mint mulberry chrysanthemum cohosh

Heat medicine: scutellaria baicalensis forsythia honeysuckle coptis cork floor polygoni cuspidati gardenia heavy BanLanGen dandelion armeniacae amarum

Bone skin PanDaHai x-raydiffraction altogether rehmanniae large blood cany rhiozma Chinese bulbul paeonia suffruticosa

PingChuanYao cough expectorant char ephedra system ", zhejiang bei almond fry SuZi fritillary fry semen raphani. Char hundred

The former white TingLi white mulberry char char winter flower son ironweed material.processing fry white mustard lisianthus

Floating stone of vision

Liver-wind medicine gastrodiae hook cane JiangCan fry, whole xie fry dilong centipede

Qufeng drugs: wet anhydronotoptol live alone WeiLingXian papaya QingFengTeng the wind cane made the dog ridge drynaria fortunei

Wind polygoni cuspidati and Xian thin skin fragrant grass QinJiao JiXieTeng honeysuckle cany fracture mistletoe system nanxing

The system of sichuan the ze LAN

Remove blood stasis drugs: angelica chuanxiong system yuan hu turmeric salvia miltiorrhiza nut safflower Fried insect approval shall be 42

A. bidentata system of frankincense, myrrh char nail paeonia suffruticosa

Do angry medicine: sweet fragrance dried tangerine or orange peel ZhiKe Fried chips turmeric system of attached to $hu

White: stop drug QianCao and philips yellow carbon

The wet aroma agastache rugosaq employed shell drugs: cangzhu amomum fry sichuan park system

Xiaoshi medicine: grilled chicken stir-fry semen raphani gold

The water is wet medicine: tuckahoe alisma gall CheQianZi Fried rice kernel wheat grass flat storage qutang money. The sands steatite

Sedative medicine: Fried semen zizyphi system vision system schisandra

Excess medicine: store powder antlers piece of Fried eucommia dogwood medlar dangshen fry large-headed atractylodes astragalus liquorice

Angelica root of herbaceous peony fry ripe dihuang ophiopogonis straight ladybell north

Remedy: purging fire YuLiRen big halberd rhubarb cannabis petunia MangXiao suichuan son Kennedy



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