
宝宝妈妈2023-05-03  43





Today is 2009 A.D, I have always wanted to write a story about myself, but I don’t even know where to start. Perhaps there is just too much to say.


When time starts passing by us quicker than ever, when we are no longer young, looking up I suddenly remembered many things about the past.


Love, is the one thing live is nothing without. Everyone hope to have they kind of feeling, and it really only belongs to ourselves, maybe it was romantic, maybe it was sad, or maybe it was just plain……just like a fish is nothing without water.

人,离得开爱情吗? 失去后才珍惜,还有什么意义,还是有人不肯去忘记,忘不了那一段回忆。

People, can they really leave love behind? Only after it’s gone will people start cherishing it, then what meaning is there, or are there people unwilling to forget, forget that particular piece of memory.


At that moment, I start doubting myself, my life is like a movie, it kept playing and playing before me, the intangible feeling and inescapable trap, those messy strands of feeling, how do I sort out this sort of entanglement?


Love always shows everyone its true side before its departure, letting each person know the mistakes they made, and how to let go, how to make up, all the pieces of scars vaguely passing by…


The summer of 2002, many fond memories of student life. We are just like the other lovers, falling in love like in those cliché movies. She gave me a lot of help.


The one thing I look forward to the most is opening my eyes and seeing her. She has been my firsts, for a lot of things…her name was Yu Zhe!


The summer of 2004, a girls somehow fell in love with me. She was no beauty to the eye, but she was a kind hearted soul.


She was not impudent, but a very sedated person, she is a constant giver. If I were ever given the choice to choose someone to fall in love and marry, doubtlessly it would be her, her name was Ge Qing.


April 15th, 2006 Weather: Sunny. Today I met a girl that even till today, I’m still in lover with, that night I did not return home.


I don’t know how to describe her. She is a bit bad, yet a bit refreshing and pretty, a bit literate too. She likes to wakeup early in the morning and turn on the TV to watch百家讲坛(怎么翻译你自己看吧), she doesn’t like to put on shower lotion when she takes a shower, she likes to eat the stir fried bitter melon I made (it actually tastes really bad), she likes to fold clothes like those ones on display in stores, her name was Gu Xiao Mu.


February 14th, 2007 Weather: Heavy snow. The story always keeps on going in such dramatic ways, an online chatting room started my next relationship


But this was before I could put behind my feelings from my previous relationship, we actually shouldn’t have started this in the first place. But I did hurt her.


I never could admit the hurt I brought upon her, it was because I was selfish. She is a bit cute and a bit smart, and has had some experience before. I like the feeling of her lips on mine, I like her sneaking out at night just to see me, I like that adorable look she has when she is sitting in front of the computer focusing on the screen. She was the first girl I gave flowers to, her name was Zhao Feng Tong.


September, 2008 Weather: sunny. Life is always so unpredictable, you will never know what’s going to happen to you tomorrow, and just like that, she came into my life.


Her personality is quite masculine, she’s bold, generous, kind-hearted, hard-working, virtuous. Even making me the woman in some cases. She doesn’t know how to do anything, but we were still very happy.


I think she may have found the true meaning of life. I feel so steady when I’m with her. But to me, she is only fit to be a friend, not a lover. Her name was Yi Ping.


One of the most often heard sayings about friendship is that friendship in its purest form can only be found in childhood.


Such a sad and dreary thing to say, yet so many people agree to it, you can imagine the hardships and loneliness in life.


I don’t quite agree with this saying. The friendship in childhood were merely happy giggles and play, it is unreal for adults to relay on things formed through past memories.


The real meaning of friendship forms years later in adulthood, it can not reach it’s best when the meaning of it is still unclear.


Accutallly, many people find themselves quickly growing up after a sudden emotional change.


It’s like some day, afternoon or night, a good friend of yours is in trouble and you feel this undeniable responsibility, you slow your steps to think, and start to understand the weight of life.

就在这一刻,你突然长大。 印象中有几个一辈子的朋友足够了,至于其他人对我来说根本不是很重要。关于亲情,在我来说以前和现在都是一样的,从来没有改变过。

And at that moment you suddenly grew up. Looking back, only a few lifelong friends are needed, the others are of no importance to me. When it comes to family, it is the same to me as before, it never changed.

也是唯一能让我欣慰的情感。人生一世,亲情、友情、爱情三者缺一,已为遗憾;三者缺二,实为可怜;三者皆缺 ,活而如亡。

And this is the only sort of emotional comfort I can get. One life time, family friendship, love, even if you lack just one, you will surely regret, if you lack two, then it is pitiful, if you lack all three, then your life would equal death.

Responding to a printable 50 data and 7 curve of four of them were expected value formula adopts mainly suitable for Chinese, alternative testing project: FVC, VC, MV, etc were 50 parameters MVV is 128X64 adopts LCD, and clearly point, lightweight, portable, simple operation had printed chart: 1.the tian glyph diagnosis fig.2 time three vital curve every minute ventilation curve 4 flow capacity of 5 star ring diagnosis lung capacity curve figure 6. 7. Every minute maximum volume curve adopts four print format optional, use a needle type printing ribbon and printing paper, high-speed, economic situation automatically determine second-ranking built-in operation system and test repeatability, self-checking function quality guarantee product introduction: a note: 1. Use instrument must be detailed instructions to read English. 2 before inserting and pull the sensor must first power switch. 3 up to ensure low voltage and frequency is consistent with (100-240 volts, 50/60 hz). 4. Use the instruments of a favorable environment for 10-30 degrees Celsius temperature, relative humidity, 30-85. 5. Do not adapted to other USES. 6 when use hot wire about 400 degrees Celsius temperature drop, so can have, in order to avoid damage in hot wire sensors. 7. When used for high temperature hot wire, so in the test environment cannot have flammable and explosive substances exist. 8. In lung function testing, please be sure to use embedded dry and clean strainer filter and sensor used together, in order to avoid burning hot wire sensors, The cleaning and disinfection of the sensor is separation filter, use neutral detergent cleaning filter battery-compartment cover and mesh. Example: the iodine is 230v or ultraviolet ray, etc. 9 instruments suspended for too long, so don't lost memory within the machine battery power, or need to correction. Should let professional operation this instrument. If there is any problem, or have any operation does not understand the place, welcome to write a letter or fax to my company. Second, the instrument operation and key components: A name and name of components and equipment: 1, 2:3 shell sensor interface: 4:5 screen operation key power switch: 7:6:8 printers out power interface slots: 9 paper brightness adjusting button: 10 print key: 11 paper-feeding key: 12 reset button: 13 function keys: 14 began testing key, Stop testing key: attach a * * * *} {the} {an asterisk VOLUME button for function expansion, the instrument has no key functions. B. operating key name and function: 1) RESET button (RESET, Used to delete old patient information, so as to enter a new material. 2 cases (ID) button: enter a new patient data. 3 (FVC) forced vital capacity key: vital force. 4 (VC) resting vital for resting, vital capacity test. 5) per minute (MVV is maximum volume button: for every maximum volume test. 6 (MV) every resting ventilation key, For every minute resting ventilation test. 7. [the FEEDpaper-feeding key: used for feeding. 8 [j] PRINT key: locate 14, 20: PRINT PRINT report operation. 9 (CE) delete button. Used to delete the wrong number or deleted by losing key operate. 10 [j] the enter key ENTRY. For microcomputer to confirm operation. 11. (START) testing began. Start testing. 12 (STOP) tests the STOP button. Stop testing. Attach note: pulmonary function is realized AS - 303 type (MV) and no (three), test MVV is prepared: 1.the alignment direction installed sensor and mouth (usually when cleaning, not only apart filter room dismantled sensor). 2 ensure the power switch in the "O" (closed) position behind the good, need not when pulling power off and the power switch. 3 outfit paper: uncover printers, will be inserted into the direction of typing paper along by feeding key slot, adjust the position in the slot in paper. 4 adjustment screen and contrast parts instrument is normal or not. 5 input data (ID) button: press continued for 5 seconds, screen Settings. Input the temperature of the TEMP (after)key (ENTRY by 5-37 degrees Celsius (range). Input the humidity that HUMID (after) by (ENTRY (range: 10-100%). Input the pressure (ATM p.) by (ENTRYafter 70-106Kpa (range). Input (DATE) after the DATE when, according to the "ENTRYaccording to the year, month, day. Input TIME (TIME) by (after), timely, ENTRY points, the second order. Note 1: the date and time of the organic batteries in maintaining the battery power operation, such as no change often. Note 2: if the display and printed in 2004 with "04" in 2004, and on and on and on, "with" between input. 6. Delete old patient data: according to "RESET button for 2:5 seconds-- After the instrument, and delete data. 7. Enter a new patient data: (ID) after (boot screen, no longer in ID (ID) according to the key). Input number (ID CODE) by (ENTRYafter losing 5 digits (most commonly, can lose 15). Input AGE (after) by (ENTRY age-related damagekey (5-12 years old). Input SEX, according to (after)key (first ENTRY ♀ male, female). Input line (j) according to HEIGHT (cm)key (ENTRY. Input WEIGHT (WEIGHT)key (by (ENTRY kg). Note: if the wrong attached to lose, screen will show "digital as freely though they!" (CE), can press the button to input the correct number. Please be sure to complete input code, age, gender, height, weight is indispensable, Otherwise, will not be in the screen or print report expected to see here, and diagnosis of four key operation: test before and after good filter, instruct client to take mouth standing on a flat nose clip clip, cough, not by mouth breathing, and fully understand test points to patients. (a) : 1. The test by VC (VC). 2 see screen is drawing, press (START), begin exhaling. 3 for peace (moisture) breathing above 5 times. 4 deep breath to residual gas (try to exhale call). 5. Breathe deeply and lung volume (try to breathe again until absorption is unable to). 6 then deep breath to residual gas. 7 [j]. According to STOP 8 if need to repeat tests, only need to repeat steps 2-7. Attach note: AS - 505 have storage test results, three times in (1) (2) (3) can see three test results, the fourth test results overwritten current page. For example, keep the first and third results, can press (2) button: [after the START button again to make the fourth test and measurement data automatically in page 2, and so forth) test: 1.the press FVC (FVC). 2 see screen is drawing, press (START). 3 first slowly in the lungs will all gas exhaled (call to residual gas). 4 with quickest speed to maximum force deep inspiratory (total to lung). 5 with quickest speed to maximum force deep breath (call to residual gas). 6 [j]. According to STOP 7. If you need to repeat tests, repeat steps 2-6. Note: after complete the operation will automatically STOP, instrument need not again: "STOP button. Requirements: 1, as reference for maximum expiratory (FEV0.5 / FVC >0.56). 2, with explosive sudden expiratory (Vertra/FVC <<0.3 percent, PEFtime s). 3, expiratory TIME enough to long (EX - >3 seconds) best time-released on 6 seconds. 4, three tests repeatability (5%). The difference" (3), according to the test: 1.the MVV iskeys. "MVV is 2 (START) according to. 3 as fast as maximum force breathe deeply and deep breath (12) on the best. 4 [j]. According to STOP (够12秒仪器自动会停,此时无需再按〔STOP〕键。 参考要求:1、呼吸频率次≥60/分: 2、呼吸幅度≥60%FVC 附 注:如果不能坚持12秒要及时按〔STOP〕键,仪器会自动计算每分最大 通气量 曲线太小时仪器会自动将曲线放大一倍。 附MVV测试参考曲线: (四)、MV测试: 1. 按〔MV〕键。 2. 按〔START〕键,作正常平静呼吸30秒,仪器会自动停止。 附 注:30秒前可以按[STOP]键停止测试,仪器会自动计算出每分通气量。曲线太小时仪器会自动将曲线放大一倍。 五、打印报告: 按〔PRINT〕键直接打印最佳的测试数据和图形。 1、可分别用〔FVC〕〔VC〕〔1〕〔2〕〔3〕键选择FVC和VC三次测试的其中一次结果打印。 2、可选择四种打印格式的其中以种打印,操作见后。 3、当打印颜色变淡时要更换打印色带,打印纸用完要及时更换打印纸。 六、用户菜单设置: 仪器后面有八个小开关供用户设置所需要的模式,轻轻打开后面的小盖,用小号螺丝刀拨动小开关,可以设置用户所需要的状态,“开”即为面板少年上显示“on”。 1,开关1用于FVC测试时的呼气用力情况自检,出厂时在关的位置。 2,开关2用于FVC,VC测试时重复性自检,出厂时在关的位置。 3,开关3用于显示测试结果是否少于预计值的80%,出厂时在关的位置。开关3只有在开关1和开关2均在“开”的位置才有功能。 4,开关4和开关5用于正常预计值公式的选择,出厂时设定为“EUROPE”方式。 开关4“开”;开关5“开”为EUROPE 开关4“关”;开关5“开”为KUNDSON 开关4“开”;开关5“关”为LAM-CHINA 开关4“关”;开关5“关”为BALDWIN 5,开关6与预设值无关(暂时无功能)。 6,开关7和开关8用于打印格式的设置,出厂时设定为“标准格式。 开关7“开”;开关8“开”为打印全部数据和曲线。 开关7“开”;开关8“关”为打印标准格式。 开关7“关”;开关8“开”为打印FVC测试的详细数据和曲线。 开关7“关”;开关8“关”为打印标准格式加MV曲线。 七、保 养: 1、清洗传感器:拆开传感器滤室和滤网,更换新的滤网;注意不能有水滴进传感器,不要用强腐蚀性的消毒液浸泡滤网,不要把传感器的热丝弄湿。 2、更换打印纸:轻轻打开打印机的机盖,把打印纸顺着前进的方向放进纸槽内,然后按〔FEED〕键,逐步调整纸的两边使之与进纸槽对齐,否则可能出现卡纸现象。 3、更换打印色带:揭开打印机机盖,轻轻提起色带的边缘,取出旧色带,放进新色带,对准位置,压紧色带,按照色带上指示的顺时钟方向转动转盘使色带拉紧,盖上打印机盖。(请及时更换新色带) 八、附 录: (一)、定 标(Calibration): 所有仪器出厂时已定标,一般情况下无需进行定标。如果更换传感器,或因气温气压变化太大,或科研要求结果非常精确,或电池断电重新开机后误差太大等,这时要求定标。定标必需配备定标筒,可与我公司联系定标或购买定标筒,或向其他单位借用,如果没有定标筒,请不要进入定标程序,否则会改变已经定好的标准参数。定标前先接好电源线,关掉电源开关,连接好传感器和定标筒,不要漏气;然后按住〔STOP〕键不放,同时打开电源开关。这时显示定标菜单:“CALIBRATION MENU”。在显示定标菜单时按[1]键调零;按[2]键定容量;按[3]键输入定标筒容量;按[9]键退出定标程序。 1、调零(Offset calibration): ①按〔1〕键,将传感器平放并捂住传感器使之没有气进出。 ②按〔START〕键。仪器自动调零,几秒钟后回到定标菜单。 2、定容量(Volume calibration): ①确保已经输入正确的气象资料(参阅“输入环境资料”节)。 ②确保已经输入正确的定标筒容量(在定标菜单按[3]键)。 ③在定标菜单上按〔2〕键,定标筒筒杆拉(或推)到尽头。 ④按〔START〕键,同时反复推拉定标筒,仪器自动定准后会停。 ⑤按〔9〕键,退出定标并存储定标参数,后返回ID状态。 要 求:1、定标筒推拉两边都要到尽头。2、在8秒钟内至少要推拉五次以上。 附 注:如果定标有误,屏幕会显示“ERROR!”(错误),则要按〔CE〕键重新定标。 (二)、诊断分类: 1、正 常 NORMAL(打印报告时简写为划底线部分) 2、限制性通气障碍 RESTRICTIVE(%VC<80%; FEV1%>70%) 3、阻塞性通气障碍 OBSTRUCTIVE(FEV1%<70%;%VC>80%) 4、混合性通气障碍 COMBINED(%VC<80%;FEV1%<70%) 5、小气道功能:根据以及流速容量环曲线可做出诊断。
