
宝宝妈妈2023-04-29  43

《北极熊的奇幻旅行》 This is a story about a runaway boy who makes friends with a polar bear. They travel from Norway to London in an adventure1. 该书讲述的是一个离家出走的男孩与一只北极熊结为好友,并一同从挪威到伦敦的历险故事。 The polar bear2 is a royal bear, a gift from the King of Norway to the King of England. The first time Arthur saw the bear, he was scared. But the bear didn’t hurt him. And it would attack3 anyone else who came near. So Arthur took care of the bear on a ship to England. 书中的北极熊是一只皇室的熊,它是挪威国王赠送给英格兰国王的礼物。亚瑟第一次见到北极熊的时候,他感到非常害怕。但这只熊并没有伤害他,尽管任何靠近它的人都会遭到袭击。于是亚瑟将这只熊带上了前往英格兰的船。 After feeding and cleaning up the bear, Arthur was less scared when he began to feel a connection4 to this bear. It has also been cut off from its family like him. But the journey was full of dangers, and Arthur knew his own freedom5—even his life—depended on keeping the bear from harm. When pirates6 came, Arthur must make a choice7. Should he do everything he can to save himself, or help the bear to find freedom? 亚瑟给这只熊喂了食物并洗了澡,这时他对熊的恐惧才慢慢减少,他开始感觉自己和熊存在着某种联系,他们都与家人分离了。但是旅途中充满了危险,而亚瑟也知道他的自由,甚至他的整个人生都要保护这只北极熊不受伤害。当遭遇海盗时,亚瑟必须做出选择,他是该倾尽全力自救,还是要帮助这只北极熊找到自由? Based on the real story of a polar bear that lived in the Tower of London, this adventure story looks at the subjects of freedom and the friendship between a boy and a bear. 该冒险故事基于一只关在伦敦塔的北极熊的真实故事改编,故事充分体现了自由、男孩与熊友谊的主题。 “I just love this novel. It has it all: prose, history, attractive adventure. But it’s the unlikely friendship8 between a lonely boy and a polar bear that makes this a story to cherish9. A lovely little miracle10 of a book.” —Katherine Applegate, Newbery Medal Winning writer of The One and Only Ivan “我非常喜_这本小说。它包罗万象:有散文,有历史,还有引人入胜的冒险。但是孤独男孩和北极熊之间看似不可能的友谊才使得这个故事显得弥足珍贵。这是该书的一个可爱的小奇迹。” ——凯瑟琳·艾普尔盖特,纽伯瑞儿童文学奖获奖作家,获奖作品《唯一的伊凡》 “Master storyteller Susan Fletcher creates a breathtaking adventure. Every reader will want to be Arthur, being friends with that bear, in their search for true freedom.” —Kirby Larson, Newbery Honor Winning writer of Hattie Big Sky “故事大师苏珊·弗莱彻描绘了一个惊心动魄的冒险故事。每个读者都想成为亚瑟,和那只熊做朋友,一同寻找真正的自由。” ——卡比·拉森,纽伯瑞儿童文学奖获奖作家,获奖作品《哈蒂的广阔天空》 “I loved every single thing about this medieval11 adventure.” —William Alexander, National Book Award Winning writer of Goblin Secrets “我喜欢这个中世纪冒险故事中的每一个故事。” ——威廉·亚历山大,美国国家图书奖获奖作家,获奖作品《妖精的秘密》 “The author joins the adventure with a heartwarming12 animal-human friendship.” —Booklist “作者将冒险与人与动物之间的暖心友谊相结合。” 来源:中学生英语·七年级



出版地: 郑州

出版社: 海燕出版社

出版日期: 2001.1


