英语话题作文 篇1The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of modesty Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it Modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success Those who are modest will never be content with their current achievements, instead, they will work constantly to achieve a higher target moreover,a modest people are more likely to be fitting in, win others’ trust and enjoy a harmonious interpersonal relationship To further illustrate the importance of modesty, I would like to take Newton as a case in point: how could he, one of the most influential scientists throughout the history of mankind, discover the Law of Momentum Conservation if he was simply content with the achievement of finding Three Laws of Motion
Accordingly, at no time should we be satisfied with our small accomplishments, instead , we need to keep an open mind to accept new things, absorb new information, acquire new knowledge and seize new opportunities "Success consists in industry and modesty" A philosopher once said
英语话题作文 篇2话题:
Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Lift refers to something going up, which can happen by itself or due to an external force What is lifting Why is it lifted How is it lifted
This week's topic: It lift (90-110 words)
1) lift on the airplane wing
2) lift the curtains
3) lift the display
4) lift one's arms
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below
As for the person he was looking at, Wolfe could only detect a very slight glint in the eyes, not sure if that was just his imagination, along with a tiny lift to the corner of his lips to acknowledge he was aware of the reporter's presence What's with the attitude Wolfe rolled his eyes internally No doubt the eyes were beautiful, but Wolfe was definitely not fond of the expression he interpreted to be a smirk The model acted as if he did not know Wolfe; Wolfe did just the same, acting completely indifferent
英语话题作文 篇3After going to the middle school, I have less time to play outside the school, because I always have a lot of homework to do Though my leisure time is shorter, I still keep on after-class reading Many years ago, my Chinese teacher introduced many classic books to us, I bought them and read them all, I fell in love with reading these books, I would be immerged in the stories Reading these books helps me a lot, I have improved my writing skill When I saw the topics, my mind will come out a lot of ideas, I have things to enrich my paper What's more, I also broaden my vision
英语话题作文 篇4我的偶像是姚明
I like Yao Ming very much who is the idol I like most I like playing basketball and in my opinion, he is the best basketball player in China When he started to play basketball in NBA, I was so excited that I saw the news about him everyday When he performed well, I was really happy for him When he did not, I hoped he could rearrange himself and did well in the next game What’s more, his personalities attract me as well He is kind-hearted and humorous He always smiles and is kind to very body, even his opponents Although he does not play basketball anymore, I still like him I hope he can do well in other fields as well
英语话题作文 篇5Do you often practice your English Writing Why/ why not
Do you like helping others Why/ why not Do you like watching movies in your spare time Why/ why not
Would you please say something about a place you have visited
Can you say something about your favorite teacher
What is the happiest thing in your life Why
英语话题作文 篇6I m writing to discuss about whether our parents should accompany us studying at school
We do have different opinions on this matter Most of us think our parents should not accompany us studying at school since it make us fall into the habit of dependence, so that we won t form the good habit of studying
What s more, it is harmful for us to form the habit of controlling ourselves At the same time it affects our parents work, studies and restWhile about 30% of my classmates think it necessary for our parents to accompany us studying at school Accompanying us studying at school can let us have more time to study Besides, we shall be more healthy with their care On the other hand our parents can help us set up our aim, urge us to finish our task, encourage us to overcome difficulties and get us into the good habit of studying
我想讨论关于 父母有没有必要陪读 这个问题。
在这个问题上我们有不同的观点 70%的同学认为父母不应当陪读,这样会使我们养成依赖的坏习惯,而不利于养成学习的好习惯,更严重的是,它不利于我们将来自控能力的培养;同时,它影响了父母的工作、学习和休息。30%的学生认为父母有必要陪读。陪读使我们有更多的时间学习,使我们的身体更健康;另一方面,陪读能帮助我们确立学习目标,督促我们完成学习任务,鼓励我们独立解决困难,养成良好的学习习惯。
英语话题作文 篇7染色馒头the industrial dye of steamed bun 毒奶粉the notorious milk powder
It is universally acknowledged that the safety of food is closely related to our health As the famous saying goes, “we are what we eat” However, things often go contrary to our wishes since we are faced with a series of food safety problems at present, ranging from the industrial dye of steamed bun to the notorious milk powder
There are several reasons for this severe problem First and foremost, many manufactures produce fake food of poor quality in order to get higher profits In addition, the relevant laws and regulations are imperfect and even ineffective Last but not least, the public especially customers from poor families, are not alert enough to the safety of food
In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken to improve the situation Firstly, it is essential that relevant laws and regulations on food safety should be enforced Secondly, the relevant department should attach more importance to supervising监督 the manufacturers Also, the public should be trained to be alert to food quality, believing our efforts will make an enormous difference Only by taking these actions can the problem be coped with successfully in the nearest future
英语话题作文 篇8I love eating ice-lolly, no matter in the hot summer or the cold winter The feelings are so different eating ice-lolly in the two seasons In summer, the weather is so hot that I don't want to eat anything, except for the ice-lolly I often buy a lot of ice-lollies in the refrigerater and I usually eat ten bars a day When the ice water flow into the throat, I feel my whole world is icy and I feel that I am rescured from the hot day However, in the cold winter, it's so different Eating ice-lolly in the cold winter will make you feel colder When you eating, you would shake because of the coldness It seems that you are frozen But it's the exciting feeling I like
英语话题作文 篇9
on saturday, i played football with some boys on the playgroundwhen i ran to control the ball, i bumped into another boy we both fell to the ground his feet hit my right ankle there was something hard on his shoes and it made my ankle bleeding so i put a band-aid here after returning home
英语话题作文 篇10such a promise种种承诺
when i first look at the car toon , i can’t help laughing at the hen who seems to be seriously making a foolis h announcement to the public that she always lays eggs , smooth and round and never without eggwhite and yolk in side the shell howeve r , when i star t to study the car toon mor e ca refully , i find something significant in it and gradually i come to unde rstand the author’s intention
nowadays , almost all tr ades and professions ar e r epeatedly making sincer e promises to people: government people assure that they a re noble and clean and will serve people hea rt and soulmer chants smilingly swear tha t the products they sell are of s uperior quality , genuine instead of false, life- time maintenance gua ranteed and the cheapest ma rket price; adver tisers take pains to r ecommend mir acle drugs and make-youbeautiful cosmetics , etc year af ter year , s uch promises are repeated i wonder why they t ake so much trouble to boast oudly about their obligations and duties people believed them at first , but gradually became awakened becau se they have found some dishonesty in such bombing promises
“actions speak louder than words ” the hen is foolish enough to make he r egg-promise, why shouldn’t those nonsense- maker s become cleve rer
· paragraph 1 —
inte rpretation of the car toon
my understanding
· paragraph 2 —
promises made by all t r ades and professions
awakening of the people
· paragraph 3 —
“actions speak louder than word s ”
本文是一篇漫画作文, 画的寓意是“各行各业的种种承诺本应是自身的职责, 却要大肆渲染, 无疑是多此一举”, 其愚蠢程度不亚于图中“ 母鸡下蛋的承诺”。这类题型必须把握其寓意( hidden meaning) , 方能切中主题。本文第一段用两句解释了 漫画, 其开头不落俗套, 文笔幽默。第二段切入主题, 例举各种“ 多此一举”的承诺, 笔调生动, 最后一句是有力的揭露。结尾段 中引用了一句成语并奉劝承诺者不要像母鸡那样愚蠢本题曾是一次考研写作题, 漫画取自于21 世纪报, 作者借题自行撰文。
car toon n 漫画
can’t help + -ing 禁不住
lay eggs 下蛋
eggwhit e n 蛋白
yolk n 蛋黄
all t r ades and professions 各行各业
serve people hear t and soul 全心全意为人民服务
swear v 发誓
superior quality 优质
genuine instead of false 真货而不是假货
life-time maintenance guarant eed 保证终身维修
take pains to + v 费尽心思去
miracle drugs 神药
make-you-beautiful cosmetics “使你美”化妆品
year after year 年复一年
boast about 吹嘘
obligation n 责职, 义务
dishonesty in such bombing promises 轰炸性的承诺中的欺骗
actions speak louder than words 听其言更要观其行
nonsense-maker s 说废话者
养殖要点: 1、池塘准备 养虾池塘面积以1000~5000平方米为宜,有效深度15~20米,池底平坦,水质清新,排灌方便,保水性好,四周坡度较大,同时搞好防逃设施建设。
2、清池消毒 虾苗放养前20~30天排干池水,清除过多淤泥,整修池埂,每亩用生石灰75公斤或漂白粉、漂白精等药物,彻底清池消毒。 3、水草栽培 池塘消毒后在池塘四周塘坡70厘米的水位线上种植空心菜、水花生、苦草等植物形成草带,草带宽约1米,株距02米,约占池塘总面积的15~20%。
4、苗种放养 虾塘水温稳定在20℃以上时即可投放虾苗,最好放养经过温室或暖棚进行中间培育后规格在15厘米以上、成活率75%以上的幼虾,放养量2~25万尾/亩。 5、饵料投喂 罗氏沼虾食性为杂食偏动物性,故饵料投喂应以粗蛋白含量为35~40%的人工配合颗粒饲料为主,并适当搭配投喂部分切碎的小杂鱼、螺肉、蚌肉等鲜活饵料。
6、水质管理 虾池要注意水质管理,使池水保持“肥、活、嫩、爽”透明度30~40厘米,PH值7~8,溶氧不低于1毫克/升,若水质偏酸,可定期泼洒生石灰调节。 7、日常管理 坚持早晚巡塘,观察虾的吃食、蜕壳、生长等活动,注意水质、水温的变化,及时捞出水中残饵、杂物等,做好巡塘记录,发现病害及时处理。
8、适时捕捞 罗氏沼虾饲养至9月份时大部分沼虾达60尾/千克即可分批捕捞上市,为了不损伤小虾,可以采用网目30~32厘米的拉网捕大留小,一般亩产成虾200千克以上。
营养分析 1、虾营养丰富,且其肉质松软,易消化,对身体虚弱以及病后需要调养的人是好的食物; 2、虾中含有丰富的镁,镁对心脏活动具有重要的调节作用,能很好的保护心血管系统,它可减少血液中胆固醇含量,防止动脉硬化,同时还能扩张冠状动脉,有利于预防高血压及心肌梗死; 3、虾的通乳作用较强,并且富含磷、钙、对小儿、孕妇尤有补益功效; 4、虾体内很重要的一种物质就是虾青素,就是表面红颜色的成分,虾青素(英文称astaxanthin,简称ASTA)是发现的最强的一种抗氧化剂,颜色越深说明虾青素含量越高。广泛用在化妆品、食品添加、以及药品。日本大阪大学的科学家经考察发现,虾体内的虾青素有助于消除因时差反应而产生的“时差症”。
价值 长臂虾科动物青虾等多种淡水虾的全体或肉。分布于我国南北各地淡水湖泊、河流中。
青虾含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素A、B1、B2,烟酸、钙、磷、铁等成分。 犬静脉注射青虾肉提取物,可使淋巴中蛋白浓度升高、凝固性下降,脑导管淋巴流量显著增高,血浆中有磷酸腺苷类(ATP)出现,而组织胺无明显增加。
白金虾只能长3厘米,这个大小就能繁殖,但是有一定难度。混养没问题,不会打架。蜕壳不用管。缸里有隐蔽的环境就行,主要指水草多。寿命大概1到1年半。小型虾都空间要求不高,最小20厘米的缸也行,关键是水质要控制好没问题。 白螯最到能长到15厘米,到10厘米多时就能繁殖了。螯虾混养比较困难,除非缸要大,空间大。另外每只虾都要有自己的虾屋或虾管,供虾在里面躲藏,混养一定会打架,寿命能活2年多。
要养出优质的观赏虾,最关键的还是水质。观赏虾对水质的要求都比较高,它们不同于一般观赏鱼,它对水质非常的敏感一般情况下,饲养观赏虾的缸内水的PH值在5-8之间, KH值(水的相对硬度)在1-6之间。而且PH值62-68,KH值1-2的条件是比较合适的。饲养的时候还是要根据不同观赏虾的不同需求来调整鱼缸的水质标准
cxfish/skill_contentid=1553 一、虾池条件 虾池所处海区水质要洁净,无糖厂、造纸厂、淀粉厂等排放的工业废水污染,自然纳水水深60厘米以上,海水周年盐度变化最低不低于1‰。
二、进水闸设置 由于采取土池封闭式养殖,其中、后期不需从海区纳水,因此,池塘只需设进水闸即可。每10亩虾池配置宽1米的进水闸1座,闸室设3道闸槽,外槽安装滤杂网,中槽设闸板,每块闸板宽约20厘米,便于调节虾池水位,内槽安装锥形滤水密网。
三、放苗前准备 1在虾池虾坝上打井,井的深度必须能满足虾池连续注水需要,每5亩池塘配置流量100立方米的水泵1台。2晒池后进水10厘米,每亩施生石灰80公斤,当生石灰乳化后,用铁铲或竹耙将石灰乳泼洒均匀。
2天~3天内把水进到60厘米~70厘米深,然后用粘土把闸门封严,防止池水从闸板缝隙往外渗透。 四、虾苗放养 放苗密度根据虾池的蓄水深度来确定。
水深1米~13米,斑节对虾每亩投苗08万~1万尾,南美白对虾每亩投苗1万~12万尾;水深14米~18 米,斑节对虾每亩投苗11万~13万尾,南美白对虾每亩投苗13万~15万尾。放养规格(体长):斑节对虾为1厘米~12厘米,南美白对虾为 08厘米~12厘米。
五、饵料投喂 饵料投喂应实行少量多餐的原则,体长6厘米以前每天投喂3次,超过6厘米以后,每天投喂4次。 六、水质问题 投苗5天后开始往虾池内加井水,每隔2天加水1次,每次添水5厘米,直至虾池达到蓄水深度。
七、病害防治 视水色变化及池底黑化情况对虾池进行池水消毒及底质改良。坚持每15天用15ppm漂白粉对虾池进行消毒,用沸石(每亩20公斤)或石灰渣改良底质。
每15天投喂药饵一个疗程,每个疗程3天~5天,药饵用3‰维生素C、2%大蒜素及适量鱼肝油拌饲制成。 稻田: 一、养青虾稻田选择。
同时,每块稻田都要建立进排水系统,进水口要用密网过滤防止野杂鱼进入。 三、水稻适时插种和管理。
养虾稻田烤田应采取轻搁,即水位降至田露出即可,烤田时间要短,结束后应立即加水到原来位置。 四、虾苗放养。
五、饲养管理。虾苗放养后开始投饲,饲料应使用专用青虾颗粒全价饲料,每天投喂二次,即上午8-9时,下午5-6时,上午投饲量为1/3,下午投饲量为2 /3,日投饲量为虾体重的5%左右,具体看天气和青虾撮食情况确定。
水稻收割后可加深水位到1米左右,继续进行投饲管理,待到冬季,根据市场行情捕捞上市。 (1)水源过滤处理与贮存系统 水源的过滤处理是预防病害发生的第一步,也是该系统最着急的部分。
应根据选址虾场及其海滩的自然条件采取“井式”或“贮水池式”过滤处理及贮存系统。 (2)老化虾池的集约化改造问题:我国虽然有约20万顷(300万亩)的对虾养殖池,但我国对虾养殖的单产却很低,目前的年产量不足20万吨,而作为虾池开发的海滩资源,如同其他资源一样,也是非常有限的,我们不能期望将美丽的海滩都开发。
1 池塘条件与清理:选择面积3到5亩,水深15到25米,淡水水源充足、无污染、沙质底的淡水池塘或虾塘为宜。
2 施肥培饵:虾苗放养前1周,用60到80目筛绢网过滤,进水30厘米,亩施基肥,50公斤或尿素5公斤以培养基础饵料。
3 虾苗放养:虾苗需经一星期以上时间的淡化处理,比重1003以下方可放养,一般亩放07厘米虾苗3万尾,07厘米以下苗需暂养。
4 饵料投喂:虾苗下塘1月内基本不必投喂配合饵料,主要依靠塘中浮游生物为食。1个月后投喂,7到9月可适当增加投饵量,白天投量占1/3,傍晚2/3。
5 调水防病:虾苗放养10天后,开始逐渐加水,每周加水10厘米,高温季节每2天换水,每半月左右,亩用生石灰5公斤化浆全池泼洒,既改善水质和底质,又杀菌促进脱壳生长。
6 收捕:一般养殖80天左右,虾体长达7厘米左右,即可捕出。
小龙虾是存活於淡水中一种像龙虾的甲壳类动物。小龙虾学名克氏原螯虾,也叫红螯虾 或者淡水小龙虾。东北地区称剌蛄 上海水产大学渔业学院蔡生力教授介绍,小龙虾原产于北美洲,1918年,日本从美国引进小龙虾作为饲养牛蛙的饵料。二战期间,小龙虾从日本传入我国,现已成为我国淡水虾类中的重要资源,广泛分布于长江中下游各省市。小龙虾作为外来物种,对生存地的生态环境造成一定影响,成为有一定危害的外来入侵物种之一(但未被列入我国首批外来入侵物种名单)。
并且使用强氯精,按照3-5kg/亩的剂量或者漂白粉10-15kg/亩的剂量,排水到池底还剩下5-10厘米水位,将药物化水后全池泼洒,以充分杀灭池底有害菌和各种寄生虫,有条件的最好进行7-10天的曝晒,以促进上一造养殖残留有机质的充分氧化分解。三、 搭棚:选用养虾专用膜搭建,要求材质无毒无味,透明度高,厚度适中,韧性高。
搭棚时结合处要牢固严密,无开裂和透气。考虑到采光取暖效果 , 池型和大棚均设计为南北走向 , 这样早晨和傍晚均能较好采光 , 而中午并不太强 ,全天采热较均匀。
对于冬季气温较低的地方,为提高保温效果 , 大棚可覆盖双层膜 , 两层膜相距20-40厘米 第二层膜架托在大棚内铁梁下 , 以纵向拉钢丝 5-7根支撑,下层膜四周亦与梁密切相接。大棚外面斜向下加架塑料膜 , 以提高保温效果。
在养殖过程中要注意防止越冬棚破损透风漏雨 ,并要开挖雨水导流沟 , 避免棚顶的雨水回流进池塘里 ,造成水温骤降和水质急变而引起应激发病。四、 培水:进水时使用80-100目的晒网进行过滤,避免野杂鱼等敌害被抽到池中,南美白对虾对盐度适应范围广05‰-40‰都可以,但低盐度下弧菌繁殖速度较慢,更有利于病害的防控,同时如果盐度过低,又会影对虾脱壳导致成活率低,所以低盐度养殖盐度控制在3‰-8‰为佳。
盐度高于10‰的虾塘,盐度差控制在3‰以内 盐度在5‰-10‰时,盐度差控制在1‰以内, 盐度小于5‰时,盐度差控制在05‰以内, 如果盐度差过大,会在很大程度上影响虾苗的成活率。同时虾苗运回养殖场时需要对虾苗进行20-30分钟的调温保证虾苗袋内温度和池塘水温一致之后再将虾苗下到池塘中。
六、投料:饲料一般选择大厂家生产,质量有保障,在水中稳定性强,诱食力强的全价配合饲料,冬棚养殖由于气温 、水温变化不大 , 对虾的生长和摄食影响较小 ,水质相对稳定 , 可为养殖户成功作奠基。每个虾塘应设有两个以上饵料台 ,投完料后观察摄食情况一般: 40天前的幼虾以2小时内吃完饲料为好; 40-80天的虾以15小时吃完为好; 80天以后的大虾以1小时吃完为好。
投喂时应当注意以下几项:(1)饵料台中残饵多则适当减少投饵量 , 并检查原因,及时采取措施。(2)早晚多投 , 中午少投 ,少量多次 ,每日3一4次为宜。
(3)初一、十五虾蜕壳时少投 ,蜕壳后逐渐加料。(4)大风或气压低 ,闷热时少投 天气好容解氧足时可多投。
(5)浮游生物大量死亡 ,水色变黑浑浊 ,水质变差时少投,水质好虾摄食旺盛适当多头 (6)用药期间少投,用药后再逐渐恢复投料量。 (7)寒潮期间,降温幅度大,虾应激强时少投,气温稳定,天气晴朗时多投。
1、冬棚虾采用全封闭养殖更容易缺氧 ,特别是凌晨3 一 4时 ,虾池特别容易缺氧,须开启增氧机,此外养殖中后期 , 阴雨天气也应开启增氧机 阳光充足的中午要开增氧机 ,可以搅动塘水 ,把下层缺氧水体送至上层 ,保持水体溶氧平衡。2、当塘水PH 值超过90时 , 可泼洒“水平安”,按照250-500毫升/亩剂量进行全池泼洒,也可用腐植。
cxfish/skill_contentid=1553 一、虾池条件虾池所处海区水质要洁净,无糖厂、造纸厂、淀粉厂等排放的工业废水污染,自然纳水水深60厘米以上,海水周年盐度变化最低不低于1‰。二、进水闸设置由于采取土池封闭式养殖,其中、后期不需从海区纳水,因此,池塘只需设进水闸即可。每10亩虾池配置宽1米的进水闸1座,闸室设3道闸槽,外槽安装滤杂网,中槽设闸板,每块闸板宽约20厘米,便于调节虾池水位,内槽安装锥形滤水密网。三、放苗前准备1在虾池虾坝上打井,井的深度必须能满足虾池连续注水需要,每5亩池塘配置流量100立方米的水泵1台。2晒池后进水10厘米,每亩施生石灰80公斤,当生石灰乳化后,用铁铲或竹耙将石灰乳泼洒均匀。3消毒后将池水排干,安装上60目筛绢锥形网袋(长8米~100米),闸槽间底用棉布或麻袋塞严,不留缝隙。首次进水,闸门底部保留1块~2块闸板,防止过急的水流将大量的泥沙冲入网袋造成网袋破裂。2天~3天内把水进到60厘米~70厘米深,然后用粘土把闸门封严,防止池水从闸板缝隙往外渗透。四、虾苗放养放苗密度根据虾池的蓄水深度来确定。水深1米~13米,斑节对虾每亩投苗08万~1万尾,南美白对虾每亩投苗1万~12万尾;水深14米~18 米,斑节对虾每亩投苗11万~13万尾,南美白对虾每亩投苗13万~15万尾。放养规格(体长):斑节对虾为1厘米~12厘米,南美白对虾为 08厘米~12厘米。五、饵料投喂饵料投喂应实行少量多餐的原则,体长6厘米以前每天投喂3次,超过6厘米以后,每天投喂4次。六、水质问题投苗5天后开始往虾池内加井水,每隔2天加水1次,每次添水5厘米,直至虾池达到蓄水深度。夏季高温天气应把池水加满。暴雨来临前1天~2天把水加到虾池蓄水上限,使降落的雨水通过闸板上缘自然外溢,防止雨水使虾池盐化,pH值大幅下降,影响对虾生长或引起死虾。七、病害防治视水色变化及池底黑化情况对虾池进行池水消毒及底质改良。坚持每15天用15ppm漂白粉对虾池进行消毒,用沸石(每亩20公斤)或石灰渣改良底质。每15天投喂药饵一个疗程,每个疗程3天~5天,药饵用3‰维生素C、2%大蒜素及适量鱼肝油拌饲制成。稻田:一、养青虾稻田选择。养青虾稻田应选择在排水比较方便,水源充足,水质良好,保水性能较好的田块。有条件的地方,则集中连片更佳,以便管理。二、稻虾共生的田间工程。养虾稻田应开挖环沟形或“田”字形田间工程。环沟形工程为沿田埂四周开挖一条宽2-3米,深05-1米的环形虾沟,沟土加筑四周田埂,并使其不漏水,环形沟要离田埂1-15米,在环形沟的一端要加挖成宽5米,深12米的青虾暂养池。“田”字形工程即在开好环形的同时,在田块中间加挖“+”字形虾沟,此沟宽2米,深05-07米,并与环形沟连通。同时,每块稻田都要建立进排水系统,进水口要用密网过滤防止野杂鱼进入。三、水稻适时插种和管理。水稻品种要选择具有茎杆坚硬、耐肥力强、不易倒伏、抗病力强的早熟单季或单季杂交晚稻品种。水田每亩施畜禽粪肥20-30担,然后上水翻耕,平田整地,并每亩泼洒生石灰100公斤或清塘净1公斤。以杀灭水田里泥鳅、鳝等敌害。插秧前,每亩再施碳铵40公斤,磷肥30公斤,6月中旬开始进行秧苗栽插和水稻生产管理,应注意的是,水稻施用农药时应尽量选用高效低毒农药,禁止使用敌百虫和菊脂类农药,农药使用方法采用喷洒在水稻茎叶上,避免落入水中,施药后及时注入新水,确保青虾安全。养虾稻田烤田应采取轻搁,即水位降至田露出即可,烤田时间要短,结束后应立即加水到原来位置。四、虾苗放养。7月上旬开始进行虾苗放养,每亩放养虾苗2-3万尾,放苗时间选择在上午9点前进行,虾苗在四周环沟内均匀放养。在四周环沟内适量种植革命草或空心菜,给青虾提供栖息环境。
(6)适时起捕:两季罗氏沼虾,前季月初开始起捕,后继 月初起捕,一季罗氏沼虾一季青虾,罗氏沼虾自月中旬开始捕大留小,分期分批上市,青虾于翌年月份起捕上市,有条件的,可以采取塑料大棚暂养方法,选留一部分商品虾到春节前后价格高时销售。
翻译:How about sugarbox cosmetics
[词典] how;
How good is his professional skill
1全脸的肌肤 先涂抹饰底乳 修饰粗大的毛孔、凹凸不平的肌肤或黯沉肤色,大面积在全脸上均匀的涂抹。
2利用遮瑕笔修饰 黑眼圈及重点打亮 将遮瑕品涂抹在眼睛下方、T字部位和下巴,为了要节省时间,遮瑕品的质地最好是滑顺好推抹的。 3以海绵将遮瑕品 仔细的推匀 在步骤2涂抹的遮瑕品,以海绵仔细轻柔的推匀开来,但不要推抹得过渡,就会失去遮瑕的效果。
4沾取粉饼以轻压 的方式涂抹 以海绵沾取些许粉饼,先抹在有上遮瑕品的部位,动作要比涂抹遮瑕品时更轻柔的按压。 5步骤3涂抹过的部位 再往外围延展 由内侧往外延展推匀,五官较高的部位建议涂抹厚一点,剩余的部分尽量维持轻薄的质感。
6将海绵折起轻压 涂抹角落的部位 将海绵对折后,轻压涂抹于鼻翼两侧、嘴角等边边角角的部分,尤其是鼻翼的部分容易出油脱妆,需要特别加强。 7同样以海绵推抹在全脸 再轻轻按压 再取另一个干净的海绵或没有沾取过粉底的海绵,于全脸整体轻轻按压,如此就可以使粉底更均匀的分布,完成了自然的美肌。
补妆用粉饼还是散粉 补妆怎么补 补妆技巧
下面教大家分别如何补救脱落的底妆、眼妆和唇妆:Step1:补救底妆必备武器:面巾、 吸油纸、 粉底、粉扑必备技巧:1、拭除汗水。在补妆以前先用面巾纸轻轻按压整张脸,把多余的汗水拭除,这样才不会让补出来的妆产生不均匀的现象,一定要轻柔地按压,让汗水自然吸附在纸巾上。
3、修补底妆:擦完汗,吸完油。 现在就是是干湿两用粉饼显效的时候了,把粉饼里的海绵用水沾湿,用轻压的方式沾粉,从大范围的脸颊开始依序涂抹额头、下巴、鼻子,最后要注意嘴角、发际、人中等细微的地方,这样又薄又自然的妆效仿若天成了。
手法一定要是轻轻按压,手法过于粗糙不仅会伤害你幼嫩的皮肤,还会把已经花了的妆弄得更加斑驳。Step2:补救眼妆必备武器:卸妆乳液、 棉棒、粉底、眼影必备技巧:1、擦拭晕染部分。
Skill 1:用吸油面纸将脸上分泌出的油脂,轻按压吸除掉。如果表面多余油分不先清除,上底妆会浑浊不堪。
Skill 2:全脸均匀喷上保湿喷雾,尤其对长久呆在空调内的肌肤,保湿喷雾有瞬间舒缓干燥紧绷的效果。
诀窍一:去油+补水 要想补妆首先要进行面部吸油。
诀窍二:补救底妆 当面部进行吸油和补水后,就可以处理已经糊的底妆了。补妆时需要特别注意三个地方:额头、脸颊和鼻翼,一般这三个区域是最容易出油的地方,最好使用干湿两用的粉饼进行补妆,用粉扑蘸取粉后,以按压的方式轻拍在面部,以达到不堵塞毛孔的效果。
诀窍三:眼影脱妆 解决眼影脱妆首选的是棉棒,眼妆如果脱妆看起来比粉底更加难看明显。棉棒针对的是被弄脏的眼皮。
诀窍四:腮红补救 在给腮红补妆之前也一定要做好去油和补水的工作,选用的腮红不要和原来使用的腮红色差太大,并要选择比原腮红颜色略浅一点的颜色最好。在补腮红的时候一定要在苹果肌上以斜上方的方向进行轻扫,力度从重到轻,这样可以塑造出立体的轮廓,并且还很自然。
诀窍五:睫毛膏结块 修补睫毛的时候我们不能使用睫毛夹哦,这点要记住。如果使用睫毛夹,那么已经涂有睫毛膏的睫毛就容易结块。
正确做法是用棉棒顺下睫毛,然后用增长型睫毛膏在睫毛头补刷,这里要注意了我们只要耍睫毛头就行了,如果刷整体就不好看了。 诀窍六:唇彩脱落 先擦拭剩余唇彩残渣。
Perfume is a mixture of fragrant essential oils and aroma compounds, fixatives, and solvents used to give the human body, objects, and living spaces a pleasant smell The amount and type of solvent mix with the fragrance oil dictates whether a perfume is considered a perfume extract, Eau de parfum, Eau de toilette, or Eau de Cologne
It is impossible to describe a perfume according to its components because the formulas are kept secret Even if the formulas are known, the ingredients are often too numerous to provide a useful classification Cognoscenti can, however, generally get a handle on the principal ingredients On the other hand, it is possible to group perfumes into olfactive families and describe them through the notes that appear as they slowly evaporate Perfumes can also be classified according to their concentration [1][2] [3]
[edit] Olfactive families
Fragrances can be classified into several olfactive families, by the themes, or accords, of these fragrances
Floral: Fragrances that are dominated by the scent of one or more types of flowers When only one flower is used, it is called a soliflore (as in Dior's Diorissimo, with lily of the valley)
Chypre: Fragrances built on a similar accord consisting of bergamot, oakmoss, pachouli, and labdanum This family of fragrances is named after a perfume by François Coty by the same name Meaning Cyprus in French, the term alludes to the inspiration behind the original creation
Aldehydic: Fragrances that incorporate the family of chemicals known as aldehydes Chanel No 5 was the first aldehydic perfume (created by the French perfumer Ernest Beaux in 1921) Others include Je Reviens and Arpege Aldehydic perfumes have the characteristic "piquant" note produced by materials like Aldehyde C12 MNA
Fougère: Fragrances built on a base of lavender, coumarin and oakmoss This fragrance family is named after Houbigant's Fougère Royale, which pioneered the use of this base Many men's fragrances belong to this family of fragrances, which is characterized by its sharp herbaceous and woody scent
Leather: A family of fragrances which features the scents honey, tobacco, wood, and wood tars in its middle or base notes and a scent that alludes to leather
Woody: Fragrances that are dominated by the woody scents, typically of sandalwood and cedar Patchouli, with its camphoraceous smell, is commonly found in these perfumes
Orientals or ambers: A large fragrance class featuring the scents of vanilla and animal scents together with flowers and woods Can be enhanced by camphorous oils and incense resins, which bring to mind Victorian era imagery of the Middle East and Far East
Citrus: An old fragrance family that until recently consisted mainly of "freshening" eau de colognes due to the low tenacity of citrus scents Development of newer fragrance compounds has allowed for the creation of primarily citrus fragrances
[edit] Fragrance notes
A mixture of alcohol and water is used as the solvent for the aromatics On application, body heat causes the solvent to quickly disperse, leaving the fragrance to evaporate gradually over several hours The rate of evaporation (vapor pressure) and the odor strength of the compound partly determine the tenacity of the compound and determine its perfume note classification
Top notes: Scents that are perceived immediately on application of a perfume Top notes create the scents that form a person's initial impression of a perfume Because of this, they are very important in the selling of a perfume The scents of this note class are usually described as "fresh," "assertive" or "sharp" The compounds that contribute to top notes are strong in scent, very volatile, and evaporate quickly Citrus and ginger scents are common top notes
Heart notes or Middle notes: The scent of a perfume that emerges after the top notes dissipate The heart note compounds form the "heart" or main body of a perfume and act to mask the often unpleasant initial impression of base notes, which become more pleasant with time Not surprisingly, the scent of heart note compounds is usually more mellow and "rounded" Scents from this note class appear anywhere from 2 minutes to 1 hour after the application of a perfume Lavender and rose scents are typical heart notes Top notes and heart notes are sometimes described together as Head notes
Base notes: The scent of a perfume that appears after the departure of the top notes The base and middle notes together are the main theme of a perfume Base notes bring depth and solidness to a perfume Compounds of this class are often the fixatives used to hold and boost the strength of the lighter top and heart notes The compounds of this class of scents are typically rich and "deep" and are usually not perceived until 30 minutes after the application of the perfume or during the period of perfume dry-down Musk, vetiver and scents of plant resins are commonly used as base notes
[edit] Concentration and composition
Perfumes oils, or the "juice" of perfume composition, are diluted with a suitable solvent to make the perfume more usable This is done because undiluted oils (natural or synthetic) contain high concentrations of volatile components that will likely result in allergic reactions and possibly injury when applied directly to skin or clothing
Although dilutions of the perfume oil can be done using solvents such as jojoba, fractionated coconut oil, and wax, the most common solvents for perfume oil dilution is ethanol or a mixture of ethanol and water The percent of perfume oil by volume in a perfume is listed as follows:
Perfume extract: 20%-40% aromatic compounds
Eau de parfum: 10-30% aromatic compounds
Eau de toilette: 5-20% aromatic compounds
Eau de cologne: 2-3% aromatic compounds
As the percentage of aromatic compounds decreases, the intensity and longevity of the scent decrease It should be noted that different perfumeries or perfume houses assign different amounts of oils to each of their perfumes As such, although the oil concentration of a perfume in eau de parfum (EDP) dilution will necessarily be higher than the same perfume in eau de toilette (EDT) form, the same trends may not necessarily apply to different perfume compositions much less across different perfume houses
Furthermore, some fragrances with the same product name but having a different concentration name may not only differ in their dillutions, but actually use different perfume oil mixtures altogether For instance, in order to make the EDT version of a fragrance brighter and fresher than its EDP, the EDT oil may be "tweaked" to contain slightly more top notes or less base notes In some cases, words such as "extrême" or "concentrée" appended to frangrance names might indicate completely different frangrances that relates only because of a similar perfume accord An instance to this would be Chanel‘s Pour Monsieur and Pour Monsieur Concentrée
[edit] Natural and synthetic aromatics
[edit] Plant sources
Plants have long been used in perfumery as a source of essential oils and aroma compounds These aromatics are usually secondary metabolites produced by plants as protection against herbivores, infections, as well as to attract pollinators Plants are by far the largest source of fragrant compounds used in perfumery The sources of these compounds may be derived from various parts of a plant A plant can offer more than one source of aromatics, for instance the aerial portions and seeds of coriander have remarkably different odors from each other Orange leaves, blossoms, and fruit zest are the respective sources of petit grain, neroli, and orange oils
Flowers and blossoms: Undoubtedly the largest source of aromatics Includes the flowers of several species of rose and jasmine, as well as osmanthus, mimosa, tuberose, as well as the blossoms of citrus and ylang-ylang trees Although not traditionally thought of as a flower, the unopened flower buds of the clove are also commonly used Orchid flowers are not commercially used to produce essential oils or absolutes, except in the case of vanilla, an orchid, which must be pollinated first and made into seed pods before use in perfumery
Leaves and twigs: Commonly used for perfumery are lavender leaf, patchouli, sage, violets, rosemary, and citrus leaves Sometimes leaves are valued for the "green" smell they bring to perfumes, examples of this include hay and tomato leaf
Roots, rhizomes and bulbs: Commonly used terrestrial portions in perfumery include iris rhizomes, vetiver roots, various rhizomes of the ginger family
Seeds: Commonly used seeds include tonka bean, coriander, caraway, cocoa, nutmeg, mace, cardamom, and anise
Fruits: Fresh fruits such as apples, strawberries, cherries unfortunately do not yield the expected odors when extracted; if such fragrance notes are found in a perfume, they are synthetic Notable exceptions include litsea cubeba, vanilla, and juniper berry The most commonly used fruits yield their aromatics from the rind; they include citrus such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit
Woods: Highly important in providing the base notes to a perfume, wood oils and distillates are indispensable in perfumery Commonly used woods include sandalwood, rosewood, agarwood, birch, cedar, juniper, and pine
Bark: Commonly used barks includes cinnamon and cascarilla The fragrant oil in sassafras root bark is also used either directly or purified for its main constituent, safrole, which is used in the synthesis of other fragrant compounds such as helional
Resins: Valued since antiquity, resins have been widely used in incense and perfumery Highly fragrant and antiseptic resins and resin-containing perfumes have been used by many cultures as medicines for a large variety of ailments Commonly used resins in perfumery include labdanum, frankincense/olibanum, myrrh, Peru balsam, gum benzoin Pine and fir resins are a particularly valued source of terpenes used in the organic synthesis of many other synthetic or naturally occurring aromatic compounds Some of what is called amber and copal in perfumery today is the resinous secretion of fossil conifers
Lichens: Commonly used lichen includes oakmoss and treemoss thalli
[edit] Animal sources
Musk: Originally derived from the musk sacs from the Asian musk deer, it has now been replaced by the use of synthetic musks due to its price and ethical issues
Civet: Also called Civet Musk, this is obtained from the odorous sacs of the civets, animals in the family Viverridae, related to the Mongoose
Castoreum: Obtained from the odorous sacs of the North American beaver
Ambergris: Lumps of oxidized fatty compounds, whose precursors were secreted and expelled by the Sperm Whale Ambergris is commonly referred as "amber" in perfumery and should not be confused with yellow amber, which is used in jewelry
Honeycomb: Distilled from the honeycomb of the Honeybee
[edit] Synthetic sources
Synthetic aromatics are created through organic synthesis from various chemical compounds that are obtained from petroleum distillates, pine resins, or other relatively cheap organic feedstock Synthetics can provide fragrances which are not found in nature For instance, Calone, a compound of synthetic origin, imparts a fresh ozonous metallic marine scent that is widely used in contemporary perfumes Synthetic aromatics are often used as an alternate source of compounds that are not easily obtained from natural sources For example, linalool and coumarin are both naturally occurring compounds that can be cheaply synthesized from terpenes Orchid scents (typically salicylates) are usually not obtained directly from the plant itself but are instead synthetically created to match the fragrant compounds found in various orchids
The majority of the world's synthetic aromatics are created by relatively few companies They include:
International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF)
Quest International
Mane SA
Each of these companies patent several processes for the production of aromatic synthetics annually
See Aroma compound
[edit] Obtaining natural odorants
Main article: Extraction (fragrance)
Before perfumes can be composed, the odorants used in various perfume compositions must first be obtained Synthetic odorants are produced through organic synthesis and purified Odorants from natural sources require the use of various methods to extract the aromatics from the raw materials The results of the extraction are either essential oils, absolutes, concretes, or butters, depending on the amount of waxes in the extracted product [4]
All these techniques will to a certain extent, distort the odour of the aromatic compounds obtained from the raw materials This is due to the use of heat, harsh solvents, or through exposure to oxygen in the extraction process which will denature the aromatic compounds, which either change their odour character or renders them odourless
Maceration/Solvent extraction: The most used and economically important technique for extracting aromatics in the modern perfume industry Raw materials are submerged in a solvent that can dissolve the desired aromatic compounds Maceration lasts anywhere from hours to months Fragrant compounds for woody and fibrous plant materials are often obtained in this manner as are all aromatics from animal sources The technique can also be used to extract odorants that are too volatile for distillation or easily denatured by heat Commonly used solvents for maceration/solvent extraction include hexane, and dimethyl ether The product of this process is called a "concrete"
Supercritical fluid extraction: A relatively new technique for extracting fragrant compounds from a raw material, which often employ Supercritical CO2 Due to the low heat of process and the relatively unreactive solvent used in the extraction, the fragrant compounds derived often closely resemble the original odour of the raw material
Ethanol extraction: A type of solvent extraction used to extract fragrant compounds directly from dry raw materials, as well as the impure oily compounds materials resulting from solvent extraction or enfleurage Ethanol extraction is not used to extract fragrance from fresh plant materials since these contain large quantities of water, which will also be extracted into the ethanol
Distillation: A common technique for obtaining aromatic compounds from plants, such as orange blossoms and roses The raw material is heated and the fragrant compounds are re-collected through condensation of the distilled vapour
Steam distillation: Steam from boiling water is passed through the raw material, which drives out their volatile fragrant compounds The condensate from distillation are settled in a Florentine flask This allows for the easy separation of the fragrant oils from the water The water collected from the condensate, which retains some of the fragrant compounds and oils from the raw material is called hydrosol and sometimes sold This is most commonly used for fresh plant materials such as flowers, leaves, and stems
Dry/destructive distillation: The raw materials are directly heated in a still without a carrier solvent such as water Fragrant compounds that are released from the raw material by the high heat often undergo anhydrous pyrolysis, which results in the formation of different fragrant compounds, and thus different fragrant notes This method is used to obtain fragrant compounds from fossil amber and fragrant woods where an intentional "burned" or "toasted" odour is desired
Expression: Raw material is squeezed or compressed and the oils are collected Of all raw materials, only the fragrant oils from the peels of fruits in the citrus family are extracted in this manner since the oil is present in large enough quantities as to make this extraction method economically feasible
Enfleurage: Absorption of aroma materials into wax and then extracting the odorous oil with alcohol Extraction by enfleurage was commonly used when distillation was not possible due to the fact that some fragrant compounds denature through high heat This technique is not commonly used in the present day industry due to its prohibitive cost and the existence of more efficient and effective extraction methods [2]
[edit] Fragrant extracts
Although fragrant extracts are known to the general public as the generic term "essential oils", a more specific language is used in the fragrance industry to describe the source, purity, and technique used to obtain a particular fragrant extract
Of these extracts, only absolutes, essential oils, and tinctures are directly used to formulate perfumes
Absolute: Fragrant materials that are purified from a pommade or concrete by soaking them in ethanol By using a slightly hydrophilic compound such as ethanol, most of the fragrant compounds from the waxy source materials can be extracted without dissolving any of the fragrantless waxy molecules Absolutes are usually found in the form of an oily liquid
Concrete: Fragrant materials that have been extracted from raw materials through solvent extraction using volatile hydrocarbons Concretes usually contain a large amount of wax due to the ease in which the solvents dissolve various hydrophobic compounds As such concretes are usually further purified through distillation or ethanol based solvent extraction Concretes are typically either waxy or resinous solids or thick oily liquids
Essential oil: Fragrant materials that have been extracted from a source material directly through distillation or expression and obtained in the form of an oily liquid Oils extracted through expression are sometimes called expression oils
Pomade: A fragrant mass of solid fat created from the enfleurage process, in which odorous compounds in raw materials are adsorbed into animal fats Pommades are found in the form of an oily and sticky solid
Tincture: Fragrant materials produced by directly soaking and infusing raw materials in ethanol Tinctures are typically thin liquids [2]
[edit] Composing perfumes
Perfume compositions are an important part of many industries ranging from the luxury goods sectors, food services industries, to manufacturers of various household chemicals The purpose of using perfume or fragrance compositions in these industries is to affect customers through their sense of smell and entice them into purchasing the perfume or perfumed product As such there is significant interest in producing a perfume formulation that people will find aesthetically pleasing
[edit] The Perfumer
The job of composing perfumes that will sell is left up to an expert on perfume composition or known in the fragrance industry as the perfumer They are also sometimes referred to affectionately as "the Nose" due to their fine sense of smell and skill in smell composition The perfumer is effectively an artist who is trained in depth on the concepts of fragrance aesthetics and who is capable of conveying abstract concepts and moods with their fragrance compositions At the most rudimentary level, a perfumer must not only have a keen knowledge of a large variety of fragrance ingredients and their smells, and be able to distinguish each of the fragrance ingredients whether alone or in combination with other frangrances As well, they must know how each ingredient reveals itself through time with other ingredients The job of the perfumer is very similar to that of flavourists, who compose smells and flavourants for many commercial food products
The composition of a perfume typically begins with a brief by the perfumer's employer or an outside customer The customers to the perfumer or their employers, are typically fashi
质地是淡粉色的乳霜 ,滋润度足够,上脸细腻好推开,触感非常像日系的贵妇乳液,而且成膜快,不会有任何的黏腻和不适感,非常适合夏天。
Radha Beauty这瓶VC精华的主打成分是20%的VC衍生物SAP,比精纯VC的活性更加稳定,不用担心开瓶之后氧化快的问题(但最好还是放在避光处哦),使用感也更加温和。
my CLARINS这瓶面霜完全是油皮女孩的夏季福音,如果套用一句“经典台词”的话,那就是比它好用的没它便宜,比它便宜的没它好用。