
宝宝妈妈2023-11-25  68






选择题 1:B: until 2: B: that 3: C: anothen 4: Beijing leaves 5: like a mature 6: proposal bemgdiscassed 7:athis casual 8: evidence that 9: related to 10: persist 以上:1-10 B C C C D A C B D B填空题 1: (pay) payment 2: (interview) were interviewed 3: (be) was 4: (conduct) conducted 5: (be) were 6: (responsible) responsibleity 7: (iujure) injured 8: (accept) to accept 9; (quick) quickly 阅读 Task 1 1; we need to plan B; beeter organice our actioitios 2: C; study efficiently 3: B: any activitios we’re eager to do 4: B: taking a shortnap in the afternoon 5: A: Study Habits and time management Task 2 1: B: start a new small business 2: D: Determination and originality 3:C: Advise be fore hand 4: A: Those with fewer that 50 employees 5: B: Linking to other relevant articles Task 3 How to write contact details in your CV1:topofpage print you name in……2: To be included address …………3email Notto be in cluded : 1: personal information 2: In clued a photograph Task 51: Great well Brand 2: US $3000 3: August 20094: By letter of credit 5: Vancouver Canada 词译 1: Cash price (现金价格) 2: sales contract (销集合同) 3: port of arrival (到达港)


