“装饰艺术”运动(Art Deco)是在20 世纪20 到30 年代在法国、美国和英国等国家开展的一次风格非常特殊的设计运动。因为这场运动与欧洲的现代主义运动几乎同时发生与发展,因此,“装饰艺术”运动受到现代主义运动很大的影响,无论从材料的使用上,还是从设计的形式上,都可以明显看到这种影响的痕迹。但是,从思想发展的背景来看,从意识形态的角度来看,现代主义运动的民主色彩、社会主义背景,都从来没有在“装饰艺术”运动中发生过。“装饰艺术”,特别是法国的“装饰艺术”运动,在很大程度上依然是传统的设计运动,虽然在造型上、在色彩上、在装饰动机上有新的、现代的内容,但是它的服务对象依然是社会的上层,是少数的资产阶级权贵,这与强调设计民主化、强调设计的社会效应的现代主义立场是大相径庭的。因此,虽然这两场运动几乎同时发生,互相也有影响,特别是现代主义对于“装饰艺术”运动在形式上和材料上的影响,但是,它们属于两个不同的范畴,有各自的发展规律。
20 世纪初,一批艺术家和设计师敏感地了解到新时代的必然性,他们不再回避机械形式,也不回避新的材料(比如钢铁、玻璃等等)。他们认为,英国的“工艺美术”运动和产生于法国,影响到西方各国的“新艺术”运动有一个致命缺陷,就是对于现代化和工业化形式的断然否定态度。时代已经不同了,现代化和工业化形式已经无可阻挡,与其回避它,还不如适应它。而采用大量的新的装饰动机使机械形式及现代特征变得更加自然和华贵,可以作为一条新的探索途径。这种认识,普遍存在于法国、美国、英国的一些设计家之间,特别是20 年代西方的普遍繁荣,美国更是高速发展,造成新的市场,为新的设计和艺术风格提供了生存和发展的机会。这一历史条件,促使新的试验的产生,其结果便是20 世纪初的另外一场重要的设计运动―“装饰艺术”运动。
“装饰艺术”运动的名称出自1925 年在巴黎举办的一个大型展览:“装饰艺术”展览(The exposition des Arts Decoratifs)。这个展览旨在展示一种“新艺术”运动之后的建筑与装饰风格。该展览的名称,后常被用来特指一种特别的设计风格和一个特定的设计发展阶段。但是,“装饰艺术”这一术语,实际所指的并不仅是一种单纯的设计风格。和“新艺术”运动一样,它包括的范围相当广泛,从20 年代的色彩鲜艳的所谓爵士图案(Jass Patterns) ,到30 年代的流线型设计式样,从简单的英国化妆品包装到美国纽约洛克菲勒中心大厦的建筑,都可以说是属于这场运动的。它们之间虽有共性,但是个性更加强烈。因此,把“装饰艺术”单纯看作一种统一的设计风格是不恰当的。
从思想和意识形态方面来看,“装饰艺术”运动是对矫饰的“新艺术”运动的一种反动。“新艺术”强调中世纪的、哥德式的、自然风格的装饰,强调手工艺的美,否定机械化时代特征;而“装饰艺术”运动恰恰是要反对古典主义的、自然(特别是有机形态)的、单纯手工艺的趋向,主张机械化的美。因而,“装饰艺术”风格具有更加积极的时代意义。另一方面,“装饰艺术”运动开展的时期,正是现代主义开展的时期,因此,无论这场运动多么强调装饰的效果-装饰正是现代主义反对的主要设计内容之一-但是,在设计上依然受到现代主义的很大影响。无论是在材料的运用上,还是设计主题的选择上,乃至于设计本身的特点上,这两种设计运动都有不少的内在关联。以往常常把“装饰艺术”视为与现代主义对立的设计运动来看,但现在的研究表明,它们之间有着千丝万缕的联系,特别是美国的工业设计与“装饰艺术”运动,有时简直难以截然划分开来。比如美国设计家雷蒙·罗维( Raymond Loewy) 1937 年为纽约世界博览会设计的“工业设计师办、公室”,就很难说是单纯的现代主义,还是“装饰艺术”风格;法国现代主义大师勒·科布西耶(Le corbusier)在20 世纪20 年代中期设计的家具,也是两种风格兼有。这都表明:“装饰艺术”与“现代主义”之间并不完全是矛盾的关系,在形式特征上,它们有着密切而复杂的关联。
20 世纪60 年代以来,开始有越来越多的设计理论家把“装饰艺术”运动视为英国“工艺美术”运动和欧美的“新艺术”运动的延伸与发展。从装饰动机来看,或者从它强调的服务方向来看,这种观点当然无可厚非。但复杂性在于,这场运动主要的发展时期是第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战之间,而这也正是现代主义运动发展的主要阶段,因此,往往有混淆的情况。从名称上看,也有一定的混淆,比如在法国有人称这场运动和设计风格为“现代主义”( moderne ) ,也有人因为影响到这个风格的因素之一是美国的爵士音乐和表演,而把它称为爵士现代主义。但是,如果从意识形态的立场来看,“装饰艺术”运动强调为权贵服务的立场和现代主义运动强调为大众服务的社会主义立场之间依然是径渭分明的。
l )埃及等古代装饰风格的实用性借鉴
英国产生的“工艺美术”运动和源起法国的“新艺术”运动都从中世纪风格、特别是哥德风格,以及日本装饰和自然风格当中寻找形式借鉴的营养,而“装饰艺术”则从古代埃及华贵的装饰特征中寻找借鉴。以前的两个设计运动,都以有机的、平面的、和谐的色彩为中心,基本否定单纯的几何形式和所谓的机械色彩-黑白色系列。1922 年,英国考古学家豪瓦特·卡特在埃及发现一个完全没有被扰乱过的古代帝王墓-图吞哈蒙(Tutankhamun)墓,大量的出土文物展示出一个绚丽的古典艺术世界,震动了欧洲的新进设计师们。那些3 ,300 年前的古物,特别是图坦卡蒙的金面具,具有简单的几何图形,使用金属色系列和黑白色彩系列,却达到高度装饰的效果,这给予设计师们强而有力的启示。古埃及时代非常普遍的建筑装饰图案,比如盛开的纸草形式的柱头(公元前1250 年卢索宫的柱子设计)、纸草和莲花交织组成的柱头(公元前106 年菲拉克岛皇室建筑),都是简单明快的从自然抽象出来的几何图案加以变形处理,相当壮观。这些设计动机是自日本风格传入欧洲以来的又一次重要的外来影响。
2 )原始艺术的影响
20 世纪初以来,原始艺术的影响,特别是来自非洲和南美洲的原始部落艺术对于欧洲前卫艺术界的影响是非常大的。毕加索的《亚维农的少女》 就受到非洲原始艺术的影响;挪威艺术家爱德华·蒙克则在很大程度受到南美洲的原始部落文化影响。这种影响,同样在设计界得到深刻的反映。非洲部落舞蹈面具的象征性和夸张特点,非洲雕塑特别是木雕的明快简练,给了西方的艺术家和设计师们很大的启发。
3 )简单的几何外型
自19 世纪中期的“工艺美术”运动以来,大部分的设计探索都是从有机的自然形态中找寻装饰的动机。因此,与大工业生产联系比较密切、具有强烈时代特征的简单几何外型自然就成为20 世纪20 年代设计家们热衷研究的中心。这些几何动机,究其来源依然是古典埃及、中美洲和南美洲的古代印第安人文化(比如玛雅、阿兹台克、印加文化),常用的几何图案包括有阳光放射型(sunbursis)、闪电型(lightning zuggyrates)、曲折型、重叠箭头型(chevrons)、星星闪烁型(starbursts)、阿兹台克放射型(Aztec-shape Plinths)、埃及金字塔型等等。
4 )舞台艺术的影响
20 世纪初期,舞蹈,特别是芭蕾舞开始出现了与传统决裂的重大改革。这种改革,在芭蕾舞重要的中心之一的俄国己经有所发展。改革的内容体现在音乐、舞蹈编导、舞台设计、服装设计等等各个方面,俄国芭蕾舞团出国演出,也就把这种改革的影响带到外国。对于西方国家来说,影响主要是20 世纪初期来自俄国芭蕾舞团(Ballets Russes)的影响。俄国芭蕾舞的改革当时并不完善,由于这个芭蕾舞团来到巴黎以后,受到西方现代艺术大改革的气氛的影响,加速了变革,而这个变革又反应回设计上,导致新的设计风格的出现。这个俄国的芭蕾舞团在其领袖迪亚基列夫的领导下,于1902 年前后来到巴黎演出,并且从此定巴黎为基地。1909年该团演出了一系列非常前卫的芭蕾舞剧,包括斯特拉文斯基的《火鸟》、《春之祭》、《彼德罗什卡》,还有《蛇舞》(La nanse du Serpent)等。这些芭蕾舞的舞台设计和服装设计都非常前卫,大量采用金属色彩和强烈的色彩计划。比如由吉色尔编导的《蛇舞》,舞台服装是由这个芭蕾舞团的服装设计师设计的,服饰紧凑贴身,古铜色,效果非常强烈。俄国芭蕾舞团的总设计师是列昂·巴克斯特(Leon Bakst) ,他的设计不但影响到各国设计师,并且导致了法国时装设计的开始:法国第一位时装设计师保罗·布瓦列特的设计就是从他的舞台设计和服装设计中得到灵感的,布瓦列特成为法国1915 年到1925 年时装设计最重要的人物。事实上,法国时装设计,特别是布瓦列特设计的个性特征,对于“装饰艺术”运动也产生了非常强烈的影响。
另外一种造成影响的舞台艺术风格是美国的爵士乐。20 年代和30 年代是美国黑人爵士音乐的高峰期,这种强烈的、节奏鲜明而特殊的美国民间音乐和它的表演方式,对于设计家来说是极为新鲜和富于感染力的。因此,它的节奏与特殊的韵律感,它的强烈的色彩,都通过设计得到一定的体现。
5 )汽车的影响
1898 年前后,汽车被发明出来,很快成为重要的交通工具。20 世纪初期,汽车被不少前卫人士视为未来的象征,速度感即是时代感。特别是第一次世界大战之后,对干汽车的热爱在设计师当中非常流行。不少20 到30 年代的海报、广告都采用汽车大赛作为主题,色彩鲜艳,构图明快,有强烈的时代感。汽车作为20 世纪文明的新象征,启发了“装饰艺术”运动的设计师们大胆地采用现代工业文明的成果,作为自己的设计动机,在形式上和思想上都具有相当重要的启迪作用。
6 )形成自己独特的色彩系列
“装饰艺术”具有鲜明强烈的色彩特征,与讲究典雅的以往各种设计风格的色彩计划大相径庭。在前述各种因素影响之下,形成了自己独特的色彩计划,特别重视强烈的原色和金属色彩,其中包括鲜红(brilliant reds)、鲜黄、鲜蓝( Lighting blue)、桔红和金属色系列(包括古铜、金、银等色彩)。
“装饰艺术”运动是一场国际性设计运动,不少欧美国家都卷入其中,尤以法国、英国和美国的设计成果较具代表性。它同时还影响到许多欧洲国家,从大约1910 年前后开始,一直发展到1935 年前后为止,是20 世纪延续时间比较长的一个设计运动。
"装饰艺术"运动是一场承上启下的运动,它既对"工艺美术"运动、"新艺术"运动的自然装饰、中世纪复古表示反对,而对于单调的工业化风格也加以批评。因此,虽然在装饰趋向上与前两个运动有相似之处,但是从承认工业化的角度来看,已很难说是它们的延续了;又由于强调装饰化,因此与同期开始在德国发起的现代主义也具有很大的区别。它是"新艺术"运动和现代主义运动之间的一场衔接,双方的特征都兼而有之,但却不是简单的重复或再现。"装饰艺术"的装饰特点,在20 世纪80 年代得到重新认识,并在后现代主义风格中再次受到重视。
而当这种风格传入美国后,却比较多地应用在建筑设计、室内设计等规模比较宏大的公众性质的项目上。从纽约开始,逐步波及中西部和西海岸地区,对20 和30 年代的美国设计产生了巨大的影响,涵盖了汽车设计、工业产品设计、平面设计、舞台设计、**设计等各个设计领域。
“装饰艺术”运动在20 世纪20 年代兴起,到30 年代成为一个国际性的流行设计风格,影响到建筑设计、室内设计、家具设计、工业产品设计、平面设计、纺织品设计和服装设计等等几乎设计的各个方面,是本世纪非常重要的一次设计运动。虽然主要的发展国家只是法国、美国和英国,但是这种风格却成为世界流行风格,甚至到远在东方的上海都可以找到“装饰艺术”风格的建筑和室内设计,可见其流行的广度。相比之下,“新艺术”运动虽然也遍及欧美,但是从影响的范围来看,地区性非常强,并且在很大程度上只是设计界的探索,很难成为一个比较统一的流行风格。可见,对“装饰艺术”风格的研究有特别重要的意义。
“装饰艺术”风格之所以如此普及,原因之一是因为它本身的折衷立场为大批量生产提供了可能性。“新艺术”运动没有可能广泛普及,也正因为它的曲线、非几何形态造成了只能手工生产,不能大批量机械生产的状况。20 世纪开始,人们己经注意到,如果希望某种风格能够得到普及,成为流行风格,批量生产的考虑是不能忽视的一个重要因素。
“装饰艺术”运动是装饰运动在20 世纪初的最后一次尝试,它采用手工艺和工业化的双重特点,采取设计上的折衷主义立场,设法把豪华的、奢侈的手工艺制作和代表未来的工业化特征合二为一,产生一种可以发展的新风格来。这场运动与世界的现代主义设计运动几乎是同时发生,也几乎同时于30 年代后期在欧洲大陆结束,因而,在各个方面都受到现代主义的明显影响。但是,由于它主要强调为上层顾客服务的出发点,使得它与现代主义具有完全不同的意识形态立场,也正因为如此,所以“装饰艺术”运动没有能够在第二次世界大战之后再次得到发展,而基本成为史迹,只有现代主义成为真正的世界性设计运动。
“装饰艺术”运动在装饰和设计手法上为我们提供了大量可资参考的重要资料,从材料的运用,到装饰的动机,直到产品的表面处理技术,无论哪一个方面,这个风格都有不少可以借鉴和学习的地方,它的东方和西方结合、人情化与机械化的结合的尝试,更是80 年代的后现代主义时期重要的研究中心。从形式上看,20 、30 年代的这个设计运动的风格与80 年代的后现代主义风格有千丝万缕的联系,从意识形态方面来说,也有类似的地方。因而,对于它的了解和研究,就更具有重要意义了。
About Us
Catier of France is a leading manufacturer dedicated to providing the ultimate in pure essential oils, aromatherapy products and natural skincare For over hundreds years, qualified aromatherapists, students, hospitals, clinics and colleges around the world have placed their trust the high quality products and expertise associated with the name of Catier
Catier essential oils are using the plant energy fragrance SPA treatment to inspire the natural body power of composure and regeneration Comforting the exhausted body and soul can we enjoy in the space of meditation along with the therapeutic SPA journey
Essential Oil Quality
Catier essential oils are using the essential oils the professionals use
To discover how our organic essential oils are selected and learn what Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC) analysis is all about, take a look at the Quality Control and Organic Essential Oils of our book The more you know about every essential oil that you use, the more assured you will be that you will get great therapeutic results that you desire
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Using the finest quality essential oils is absolutely vital in aromatherapy Why Because the purity of the essential oils will determine how successful the treatment or products will be In aromatherapy, you only receive textbook results when you use the very purest, highest quality, pure essential oils
At best, essential oils that have been adulterated will simply not deliver the health benefits that you expect At worst, there is the risk of serious skin irritation or sensitisation due to an adverse reaction to the synthetic chemicals that have been used to adulterate, extend or 'standardise' the essential oil
Vigorous quality checks are made throughout the entire process of sourcing and authenticating the provenance of Catier pure essential oils Failure to meet any one of our quality standards will result in an essential oil or other raw material being firmly rejected
Our Quality Control Standards include:
Verification of the plants botanical species
Crops were not subjected to agrochemicals
Low pressure distillation techniques employed
Visually inspecting the oil
Odour evaluation of the oil
Measuring the oils physical parameters
Testing the oils purity using GC or GC/MS technology
Essential Oils
Anise Star Essential Oil
Stimulating and energising The sweet and herbaceous smell of Anise essential oil is reminiscent of aniseed or licorice and it has a refreshing and stimulating action on the digestive and respiratory system when used in massage It gives an uplifting boost to flagging emotions
Basil Essential Oil (linalool ct)
Strengthening, clearing and liberating A powerful aromatic tonic that clears the head and helps to give the mind strength and clarity Basil essential oil has been used for centuries in herbal medicine and has lovely reviving fragrance Inhale or vaporise to maintain easy breathing
Bay Leaf Essential Oil
Stimulating and warming Also known as West Indian Bay, this oil has been used in hair preparations for over 100 years to treat dandruff, greasy scalp and hair loss Bay leaf essential oil has a warm and spicy odour similar to clove bud
Bergamot Essential Oil
Refreshing, uplifting and antiseptic Expressed from the peel of the fruit, Bergamot essential oil has a delightful citrus aroma that is uplifting to the emotions
Carrot Seed Essential Oil
Revitalising, toning and cleansing Improves a wide range of poor complexion conditions because of its revitalising and toning action when included in a regular skincare regime Carrot seed essential oil encourages the production of red blood cells and the efficient elimination of toxins when used in massage
Chamomile German Essential Oil
Soothing and relaxing
German Chamomile essential oil is distilled from the flowering heads of the plant and produces a dark blue oil with a strong herb-like aroma
Chamomile Roman Essential Oil
Soothing and relaxing
Roman Chamomile essential oil is distilled from the daisy-like flowering heads of the plant to produce a beautiful pale blue oil with a sweet herbaceous fragrance and relaxing effect
Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil
Stimulating, antiseptic, and fungicidal Extracted from the leaves and twigs of the tree, Cinnamon essential oil has a warm and spicy fragrance which blends well with a wide range of oils, especially the citrus ones Used in massage it stimulates a sluggish circulatory or digestive system and also helps with 'burn-out'
Clary Sage Essential Oil
Relaxing, warming and euphoric Distilled from the flowers and leaves of the plant, Clary Sage essential oil is a deeply relaxing oil that imparts a feeling of well being This essential oil is particularly soothing and relaxing when used to massage the abdomen during menstruation
Cypress Essential Oil
Astringent, toning and restoring When used in massage, Cypress essential oil helps to increase circulation and is good for reducing visible veins and cellulite It has a unique woody-herbaceous fragrance favoured by men, hence its use in many aftershave and cologne preparations Cypress oil is a natural deodorant, and also helps to balance oily skin
Elemi Essential Oil
Rejuvenating, stimulating and antiseptic Used in skincare, Elemi essential oil helps to promote a healthy complexion, especially on dry and mature skin Along with Frankincense, Galbanum and Myrrh, it was used in the embalming process of the ancient Egyptians over 2000 years ago
Fennel Sweet Essential Oil
Toning and cleansing Fennel Sweet essential oil is the ideal oil for use with cellulite, especially when used in massage as part of a synergistic blend Distilled from the crushed seeds of the herb, Fennel also makes a refreshing mouthwash
Frankincense Essential Oil
Rejuvenating, balancing and relaxing Extracted from the small bush native to Africa, Frankincense essential oil has a beautiful fragrance which has been used in religious ceremonies and as an aid to meditation for over 2000 years The action of Frankincense could best be described as deeply relaxing whilst uplifting the spirit Of particular value in skincare because it has exceptional rejuvenative properties
Geranium Essential Oil
Balancing, stabilising and nurturing This remarkable oil is balancing to both mind and body, normalising dry and greasy skin and stabilising roller coaster emotions The aroma of Geranium essential oil is delightfully fresh and flowery and blends well with many oils
Ginger Essential Oil
Stimulating and toning Ginger root essential oil was used in ancient China over two thousand years ago and has been used in traditional herbal medicine for hundreds of years throughout Europe This warming, spicy oil is excellent for maintaining good circulation and joint mobility It also has a positive action on the digestive system when used in massage
Juniper Berry Essential Oil
Astringent, cleansing and fortifying Steam distilled from the berries of the tree, Juniper berry essential oil promotes increased circulation thus encouraging the elimination of toxins
Laurel Leaf Essential Oil
Strengthening, revitalising and uplifting Historically, this plant was the symbol of victory to both the Greeks and the Romans who considered it the herb of protection This is reflected in the oils ability to instil confidence and courage as well as improve memory and insight Used in massage, Laurel leaf essential oil has an action on the digestive system
Lavender Essential Oil French
Antiseptic, relaxing, soothing and rejuvenating
Cultivated throughout Europe, the essential oil produced in France is by far the most popular and it offers an almost endless list of therapeutic uses This highly versatile oil eases tired muscles, balances head tension and soothes sensitive skin
Lemon Essential Oil
Antiseptic, revitalising and uplifting
The delightfully fresh citrus aroma of Lemon essential oil helps keep the mind clear and alert and is highly beneficial in skincare for oily and teenage complexions Use it in massage or add a few drops to a bath to help maintain a healthy immune system
Linaloe Wood Essential Oil
Relaxing, soothing and uplifting This oil replaces Rosewood which has been removed for reasons of conservation Linaloe Wood essential oil is virtually identical in aroma and therapeutic action to Rosewood, with a delightful floral-woody fragrance that blends well with many other essential oils Use it in skincare to improve the complexion of dry or sensitive skin
Myrrh Essential Oil
Revitalising, comforting and unifying Used by the ancient Egyptians in the embalming process because of its remarkable preserving action on the skin, and in aromatherapy today it is used in skincare to restore and revitalise tired or mature skin When vaporised, the bitter-sweet resinous fragrance of Myrrh essential oil is comforting and uplifting to the spirit
Nutmeg Essential Oil
Stimulating, warming and comforting Nutmeg essential oil has a warm and spicy fragrance that is refreshing and stimulating for cases of mental fatigue It has a similar stimulating and warming effect on the body when used in massage on muscles and the abdomen
Orange Bitter Essential Oil
Strengthening, stimulating and enlivening Expressed from the fruit of the bitter orange tree, this oil is helpful in maintaining a healthy circulatory system and the elimination of toxins Bitter Orange essential oil has an enlivening effect on the emotions, helping to overcome rejection
Orange Sweet Essential Oil
Uplifting, reviving and stimulating This popular essential oil has a lovely cheering and refreshing property, ideally suited for room fragrancing Blended with spice oils it makes an excellent Yule-tide blend
Patchouli Essential Oil
Antiseptic, deodorant and sensual The sweet, musky aroma of Patchouli essential oil is quite unmistakable and is often used as a fixative in oriental perfumes A highly valued oil when caring for dry, itchy or mature skin
Peppermint Essential Oil
Cooling, clearing and reviving The fresh, sharp characteristic fragrance of Peppermint essential oil quickly revives and clears the head, and is an aid to concentration - especially whilst travelling After a busy day, a few drops in a footbath will soothe and refresh tired, aching feet Peppermint is a powerful oil and should not be used on children under the age of three
Rose Essential Oil
Rejuvenating, relaxing and balancing
Rose Otto essential oil has a beautifully feminine aroma and it is unsurpassed when used in skin care to balance combination skin, and nourish dry or ageing skin
Rosemary Essential Oil
Stimulating, reviving and clearing A very invigorating oil which re-energises tired muscles and weary feet Rosemary essential oil promotes clear thinking, aids concentration and is said to improve the memory It also gives a healthy shine to hair
Rosewood Essential Oil
Rosewood has now been discontinued by Catier since over-demand by the perfumery industry throughout the past 50 years has led to it becoming a threatened species
Sandalwood Essential Oil Indian
Relaxing, sensual and soothing The perfect moisturising oil to use in skin care for all types of skin, and it is especially nourishing to dry or mature skin This sensual woody fragrance of Sandalwood is wonderfully relaxing and soothing, helping settle the emotions and still the mind It is also an effective inhalant oil
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Antiseptic and cleansing A very powerful natural antiseptic and anti-fungal oil, which forms part of every qualified aromatherapists first aid and travel kit During the cold season, a few drops used in the bath induces sweating You can also use a few drops to make a gargle or mouthwash
Thyme Red Essential Oil (thymol ct)
Antiseptic, strengthening and stimulating An energising and powerful antiseptic oil which should be used in moderation since it can cause irritation if used in too high a concentration
Thyme White Essential Oil (thymol ct)
Antiseptic, strengthening and stimulating A very powerful antiseptic oil which should be used in moderation since it can cause irritation if used in too high a concentration
Ylang Ylang 1 Essential Oil
Sensual, relaxing and balancing The sweet exotic aroma of Ylang Ylang uplifts the spirit, relaxes the body, and helps put you in the mood for romance This softening skincare oil is suitable for both dry and oily skin conditions
熏衣草 原产地中海地区,性喜干燥,花形如小麦穗状,有着细长的茎干,花上覆盖着星形细毛,末梢上开着小小的紫蓝色花朵,窄长的叶片呈灰绿色,成株时高可达90cm,通常在六月开花。每当花开风吹起时,一整片的熏衣草田宛如深紫色的波浪层层叠叠地上下起伏着,甚是美丽。
In source area Haiti area, nature happy dry, colored shape like wheat fringy, has the tall and slender stem to do, on the flower covers the star type fine fur, on the end is blooming the small indigo blue flowers, the narrow long leaf blade assumes the greyish-green, Cheng Zhushi Gao Keda 90cm, usually blossoms in JuneWhen the flower opens the wind blows, an entire lavandula spica field just like the deep purple wave overlapping ground under is fluctuating, is really beautiful
The lavandula spica is one kind of strongly fragrant indigo blue floretOther name perfume plant, lysimachia foenumgraecum, vanilla, yellow vanilla, English name: LavenderIs the perennial for the orthodon lavandula spica to be often green the cold resistant Asian bush, produces originally in the Mediterranean Sea coast, European each place and the Oceanian chain islands, if French proletariat prosperous Si, latter is widely planted in England and Yugoslavia
Lavandula spica perennial herb or small short bush, although is called the grass, is actually one kind of indigo blue floretThe lavandula spica grows thickly, the multi-branchings, common are the erectness grow, high has 30~40 centimeter, 45~90 centimeters according to the variety, in elevation quite high mountainous area, Shan Zhuneng as long as 1 meterThe leaf alternate growth, the ellipse throws over the sharp leaf, or leaf surface big acicular, leaf margin counter-volumeThe spike goes against lives, length 15~25 centimeters; Lower part corolla tube shape, upside labiate, upper lip 2 cracks, lower lip 3 cracks; The flowered long 12 centimeters, have blue, deep purple, flesh color, white isochromatic, common are approximately the indigo blue, flowering season 6- in AugustEntire brings the wood sweet taste light fragrance slightly, because the flower, on Ye Hejing the down has the oil gland, the light flip touches the oil gland is the breakage releases the fragrance
植株高度 约 60-80公分
种子发芽 14-21天
成熟时间 90-110天
花期 春夏
花色 蓝
利用部位 叶、花、茎
Rosmarinus officinalis
Adult plant highly approximately 60-80 centimeter
The seed germinates for 14-21 day
Mature time 90-110 day
Flowering season spring summer
The variety blue
Using spot leaf, flower, stem
Dew of the alias seaWas often green the bush, a erectness, Ye Huilv, the slender thin sharp shape, the leaf blade radiation pine tree fragrance, namely is regarded since old times as may strengthen the memory the medicinal herbsSpring the summer blooms the pale blue floret
Function: Eliminates the stomach to be mad zhang, the enhancement memory, stimulates awakes nao, reduces the phenomenon which the headache symptom, the improvement escapes sends (pregnant woman to drink not suitably)
The rosemary originally produces to Mediterranean Sea, belongs toChang Lv the bush, summer can open the blue color the floret, lookslike looks like the small waterdrop, therefore rosmarinus in Latinmeaning is "in the sea the dew" meaning But the rosemary also has thesymbolic loyal meaning, therefore also the common new bride loses thefragrant achievement in Europe's wedding ceremony to match thedecoration, to the common people informed she is faithful to love thissentiment
Hyacinthus orientalia
The hyacinthus orientalis is the perennial herbThe bulb oval, has the membrane nature coverThe adult plant high half foot, the leaf resembles the stiletto approximately, does not have the handle plump, 4~8, the slender lanceolate, the pulp, on has the concave ditch, the green has the glossThe floral axis pulp, extracts from the bulb, is higher than the leaf slightly, the raceme goes against lives, spends 5~20, each flowered 6 petals, crosswise or the declinator, the funnel shape, the perianth tube long, the base expands,The lobe oval, the counter-volume, likely hemstitching young Zhong, the flower has purple, white, red, yellow, the powder, blue isochromatic, but also has the double petals, the big flower, the early blossoming and polyploid and so on the varietiesEach kind of variety fragrant degree is different, blooms the pink flower the performance delicate fragrance, blooms the lavender flower a thicker fragrance, blooms the pure white flower then the fragrance is pale
Also is called punctures the Gui flower, paces back and forth the flower, puts on the heart roseThe rose family wild rose is the bushAs the crops, his/her flowers mainly use in refining the essence attar, is Bulgaria's important product, the attar must and so on the weight gold values be higher than, uses in industrial applications and so on the cosmetics, food, fine chemical industry
The tulip originally produces the central Asia and periphery the area,namely our country "on Tianshan's safflower" In flowers and plants'world, the tulip mays be called for the famous ocean flower
The tulip belongs to the lily branch perennial herbAfter the horticulturist long-term hybrid cultivation, the world had more than 8000 varieties at presentIts color is gorgeous, changeable, by red, yellow, the purple most receives the people to welcomeBut blooms the black flower the tulip, is regarded as actually is rarely found in the world the wonderful treasure
Because the tulip likes in the cold cool climate growth, the flowering season only then about 10 days, reproduces with difficulty besides north Lingnan each place plants the head, must depend upon hundred every yearMust experience section of refrigerations according to its habit the stimulation to be able to induce the differentiation of flower bud
The tulip produces Iranian and the Turkish mountain region originally, has formed adaptation winter wet Leng He summer the dry heat characteristicIs happy warm, is moist, summer cool, slightly dry environmentRichly contains the humus, the draining water good sandy soil suitably