帮忙找首歌!是一首英文歌,男歌手唱的,其中有一句歌词是“talk to me,talk to me”

帮忙找首歌!是一首英文歌,男歌手唱的,其中有一句歌词是“talk to me,talk to me”,第1张

talk to me

歌手:george 专辑:believe

[Verse 1:]

I wanna take you home

To my place

Share my dreams and my fantasies

I can't wait

I wanna show u things

You ain't never seen before

Girl I hear you crying

Crying out for more

Talk to me, talk to me

Am I doing this right

Talk to me, talk to me

Are u feelin alright

I've been waiting for this my whole life

And here you are tonite

I've been waiting for this my whole life

And I can see it in your eyes

Are u ready to stay up all night

To see the morning light

I've been waiting

And waiting

And waiting

My whole life

[Verse 2:]

So now here we are

Turn the lights down low

Or we can go fast

Or should I go slow

I wanna kiss your lips

Is that okay

I'm that guy, I'm that guy baby

You'll be callin' on my name

Sing it to me now

Talk to me, talk to me

Am I doing this right

Talk to me, talk to me

Are u feelin alright

I've been waiting for this my whole life

And here you are tonite

I've been waiting for this my whole life

And I can see it in your eyes

Are u ready to stay up all night

To see the morning light

I've been waiting

And waiting

And waiting

My whole life

I wanna cater to you

No Nothin I wouldn't do

I tried to find words to say

I've never felt love in this way

This way

Ive been for this my whole life

Here you are tonite

I've been ready for this my whole life

And I can see it in your eyes

Girl are u ready to stay up all night

To see the morning light

I've been waiting

And waiting

And waiting

Ma whole la la la la lifee

Will you be waiting

My whole life

歌曲名:Our Lips Are Sealed

歌手:Fun Boy Three


Can you hear them

They talk about us

Telling lies

Well, that's no surprise

Can you see them

See right through them

They have no shield

No Secrets to reveal

It doesn't matter what they say

In the jealous games people play

Hey, Hey, Hey

Our Lips Are Sealed

There's a weapon

Which we must use

In our defense silence

Spreading Rumors

So far from true

Dragged up from the underworld

Just like some precious pearl

It doesn't matter what they say

In the jealous games people play

Our Lips Are Sealed

Pay no mind to what they say

It doesn't matter anyway

Our Lips Are Sealed

Hush my darlin'

Don't you cry

Cryin' angels

Forget their lies

Can you hear them

They talk about us

Telling lies

Well, that's no surprise

Can you see them

See right through them

They have no shield

No Secrets to reveal

It doesn't matter what they say

In the jealous games people play

Our Lips Are Sealed

Pay no mind to what they say

It doesn't matter anyway Hey, Hey, Hey

Our Lips Are Sealed

Our Lips Are Sealed

Our Lips Are Sealed


语法: 现在分词

基本翻译“present participle”


现在分词:present participle|V-ing

现在分词:present participle|V-ing

现在式分词:Present Participle

1 简介



2 两个基本特点

1 在时间上表示动作正在进行。例如: a developing country 一个发展中的国家, boiling water 沸水, rising sun 冉冉升起的太阳。(试比较: a developed country 一个发达国家, boiled water 白开水, risen sun 升起的太阳)

2 在语态上表示主动。例如: the ruling class 统治阶级, the exploiting class 剥削阶级。(试比较: the ruled class 被统治阶级, the exploited class 被剥削阶级)

3 基本功能

1 现在分词作定语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。也可以说明被修饰词的性质和特征,此时可换成相应的定语从句。例如:

① There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light

② He saw a flying bird and raised his bow

③ I was satisfied with the exciting speech

2 现在分词作状语时,可作时间、条件、结果、原因和伴随状语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。此时分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语,因此要注意人称、时态和语态的一致性。例如:

① The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, adding that he had enjoyed his stay here

② European football is played in more than 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world

③Seeing from the top of the hill, we can find that the city looks more beautiful

3 现在分词作补足语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。例如:

① Soon they could see the steam rising from the wet clothes

② The missing boys were last seen playing near the river

4 现在分词的独立主格结构作状语。例如:

① With his lips still trembling, he couldn't say a word

②“ Mama! ” he cried suddenly, tears rolling down his cheeks “妈妈!”他突然哭着喊,泪水从他的脸上流下来。(这里需要用现在分词的独立主格结构 tears rolling down his cheeks 作状语。)

③ Weather permitting, we'll go to the Great wall 如果天气允许的话,我们就去长城。(这里需要用现在分词的独立主格结构 Weather permitting 作状语。) 回答者: 挚爱烈火如歌 | 八级 | 2009-8-26 18:17

现在分词 现在分词(Present Participle)(又称-ing形式、现在进行式) ,是分词的一种,分词又分为现在分词和过去分词,它们都是非限定动词,即在句子里面不能单独充当谓语,但能充当其它的一些成分(定语,表语,补语和状语),并且它们具有动词的性质,所以又是类动词的一种。


doing (特殊的略) 现在分词表示主动的或进行的动作


一般式doing 一般被动式being done 完成式having done 完成被动式having been done

所有否定式都是在-ing前面加not 包括独立主格形式


定语 状语 补语 表语



分词短语作定语时放在后 并且名词与现在分词之间存有逻辑上的主谓关系 这是区分现在分词作定语和动名词作定语的判断方法之一

eg a running boy

the girl standing there


eg a boy who is running

a girl who is standing there


注意2:在message letter sign news notice等词后要用现在分词作定语 不用过去分词 这是考试的易错点

注意3:某些现在分词作定语时 已不再表示动作 已经从分词变为了形容词词性 egan interesting story an exciting match 这些也可以属于现在分词作定语 但是不能转化为相应的定语从句 但是可以有三级变化(原级 比较级 最高级)和被某些副词如very修饰


高中阶段只研究分词作宾补的情况 不研究作主补的情况


1)感官动词:see hear watch feel notice observe keep find listen to look at

2)使役动词:have get catch leave set

值得注意的是:要想用现在分词来作宾补 只能是用于这些词后 但是并不代表这些动词后的宾补形式都要用现在分词(有些后面可以加不带to的不定式作宾补)

egI saw him singing now

Don't have the students studying all day

注意 :宾语与作宾补的现在分词之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系 即宾语是现在分词动作的发出者

至于 现在分词作主语补足语的情况只须知道上述动词的被动语态形式中的现在分词作的是主补即可 无须深入


现在分词作表语的情况只适用于上述的现在分词做定语部分中的注意3 有三级变化 可被副词修饰

egThe story is interesting

The match is exciting

注意 :表动作的现在分词不能作表语 例如上面例子的变形A boy is running这不是主系表而是主谓(其中助动词is与现在分词running和起来作谓语) 关于句子成分的语法内容 有时间再为大家补充


作时间 条件 原因 让步状语时要位于句首 且与后面用逗号隔开 能转换为一个相应的状语从句

作结果 方式 伴随状语时要位于句尾 且与前面用逗号隔开 有时也可以不用

注意分词作状语时的逻辑主语(即分词动作的发出者)一般要与句中主语保持一致.〔这个是重点 是考试和高考的常考点 大家必须记住〕

个人经验状语从句是万能的 而分词作状语具有局限性 当分词不能表示的时候可以用从句来做


egWalking in the street,I saw him当我在街上走时,我看到他了.

可以转化为一个时间状语从句 When/While I was walking in the street,I saw him

当我要表达正在进行的动作时 我们可以在分词前面加上when/while

那么上面的例句就可以改写为When/While walking in the street,I saw him(其实有的时候也可以理解为时间状语从句中的省略 但是不是时时成立的)


Walking in the street,I saw him我是翻译成”当我在街上走时,我看到他了.”而不可以翻译为”当他在街上走时,他看到我了.”(这个是因为”分词作状语时 其逻辑主语一般要与句中主语保持一致”)

但是有的同学问了 那我要是想翻译成”当他在街上走时,我看到他了.”那应该怎么做那?

可以用状语从句来做啊 因为从句是万能的啊

When/While he was walking in the street,I saw him 当他走在街上,我看到他。


He walking in the street,I saw him 他走在街上,我看见他

这是分词的独立主格形式 我们以下会介绍 在这里不需太理解.


eg Working hard,you will succeed (只要)努力工作,你就会成功


eg Being ill,she stayed at home (因为)生病,她留在家里

注意 being是常用来作原因状语的


eg Having failed many times,he didn't lost heart 有很多次失败,他没有灰心。


eg His friend died,getting him a lot of money, 他的朋友死了,(所以)给了他很多钱


eg Please answer the question using another way 请用另一种方式回答这个问题


eg Look at the people lying on the beach看那些人正躺在沙滩上


generally speaking一般来说 Judging from/by 由……判断出 〔高中阶段只需记这两个〕


这个语法点大家原来没有接触过 所以会感到生疏 那么我下面就简单的介绍一下有关于”独立主格”的内容




在句中作状语 要注意它不是句子

其实我们曾经学过的”with的复合结构”是差不多的 只不过它要比独立主格多个with.

在高中阶段 只须理解现在分词和过去分词的逻辑主格

个人理解其实分词的独立主格实质就是分词作状语 只不过它不符合我们说的那条”分词作状语时,其逻辑主语一般要与句中主语保持一致”不难发现我每次在叙述这句话时都加上”一般”二字 那也就是说也有特殊的时候 就是分词的逻辑主语不和句中主语保持一致 也就是拥有了自己的独自的逻辑主语 那么也就是该用独立主格的时候了.

eg Winter coming,it gets colder and colder.冬天来了 天变的越来越冷了

注意这句话 我们不难发现it在句中指代的是”天气”

那么当我把winter去掉的时候,那在形式上就是纯粹的分词作状语 那么我们也就是默认了coming的动作是由it(天气)发出来的 但是我们不妨翻译一下”当天气来的时候 天气变的越来越冷了.”显然句意不通 那么就是说coming的逻辑主语不是it(天气),也就是coming拥有自己的逻辑主语 那么也就是winter 因为coming的动作是由winter发出的啊

注意当逻辑主语是人的身体部位时 如果后面的动词是vt 我们就用过去分词 如果是vi我们就用现在分词 其实用过去分词时是因为身体部位作了它的宾语

如果是由身体部位自己本身发出的动作时就用现在分词 实在理解不了 就请同学们强记下来

egThe boy lay on the ground,his eyes closed and his hands trembling.这个男孩躺在地上 眼睛闭着 手在发抖.





1 在时间上表示动作正在进行。例如: a developing country 一个发展中的国家, boiling water 沸水, rising sun 冉冉升起的太阳。(试比较: a developed country 一个发达国家, boiled water 白开水, risen sun 升起的太阳)

2 在语态上表示主动。例如: the ruling class 统治阶级, the exploiting class 剥削阶级。(试比较: the ruled class 被统治阶级, the exploited class 被剥削阶级)


1 现在分词作定语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。也可以说明被修饰词的性质和特征,此时可换成相应的定语从句。例如:

① There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light

② He saw a flying bird and raised his bow

③ I was satisfied with the exciting speech

2 现在分词作状语时,可作时间、条件、结果、原因和伴随状语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。此时分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语,因此要注意人称、时态和语态的一致性。例如:

① The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, adding that he had enjoyed his stay here

② European football is played in more than 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world

③Seeing from the top of the hill, we can find that the city looks more beautiful

3 现在分词作补足语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。例如:

① Soon they could see the steam rising from the wet clothes

② The missing boys were last seen playing near the river

4 现在分词的独立主格结构作状语。例如:

① With his lips still trembling, he couldn't say a word

②“ Mama! ” he cried suddenly, tears rolling down his cheeks “妈妈!”他突然哭着喊,泪水从他的脸上流下来。(这里需要用现在分词的独立主格结构 tears rolling down his cheeks 作状语。)

③ Weather permitting, we'll go to the Great wall 如果天气允许的话,我们就去长城。(这里需要用现在分词的独立主格结构 Weather permitting 作状语。)

2慢跑 Slow-running



打篮球Playing basketball

画画Drawing (pictures)



阅读 Reading

踢足球playing soccer/football





绝世之吻Sweet little words made for silence 甜蜜话儿因静默美妙 Not talk 不为交谈 Young heart for love 年轻的心为爱情滋生 Not heartache 不染悲伤 Dark hair for catching the wind 乌黑秀发为在风中飘逸 Not to veil the sight of a cold world 不蒙被世间的炎凉 Kiss while your lips are still red 轻吻你还未黯淡的红唇 While he’s still in silent rest 当他还在偏僻的角落 While bosom is still untouched, unveiled 当你仍浪漫无邪,情窦初开 Hold another hand while the hand’s still without a tool 牵过你的手,当它还不会躲闪 Drown into eyes while they’re still blind 坠入你的双眸,当一切都视而不见 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 与你缠绵在夜色浸没的瑟缩天光 First day of love never comes back 初恋的日子已一去不再 A passionate hour's never a wasted one 激情的时光永不会枉然 The violin, the poet's hand 提琴的弦上,诗人的笔端 Every thawing heart plays your theme with care 哪颗溶化的心,不向你诉说衷肠 Kiss while your lips are still red 轻吻你还未黯淡的红唇 While he’s still in silent rest 当他还在偏僻的角落 While bosom is still untouched, unveiled 当你仍浪漫无邪,情窦初开 Hold another hand while the hand’s still without a tool 牵过你的手,当它还不会躲闪 Drown into eyes while they’re still blind 坠入你的双眸,当一切都视而不见 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 与你缠绵在夜色浸没的瑟缩天光 Kiss, 亲吻吧, While your lips are still red 轻吻你还未黯淡的红唇 While he’s still in silent rest 当他还在偏僻的角落 While bosom is still untouched, unveiled 当你仍浪漫无邪,情窦初开 Hold another hand while the hand’s still without a tool 牵过你的手,当它还不会躲闪 Drown into eyes while they’re still blind 坠入你的双眸,当一切都视而不见 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 与你缠绵在夜色浸没的瑟缩天光 这是首非常美的歌~



作曲 : Ke$ha & Dr Luke(Lukasz Gottwald)

作词 : K Sebert, Gamson, Marc Nelkin, Jon Ingoldsby

Bored' stoned' sitting in your Backst


All alone' cause your little conversations

因为你我没有交谈, 所以我们都很孤单

Got around' now look here what we all found out

环绕四周, 看看现在我们都发现了什么

(Look here what we found' look here we all found out)

看看我们从这里这发现了什么, 我们在这里都发现了

That you have got a set of loose lips' twisting stories

那就是你有一张信口雌黄, 胡编乱造的嘴

All because you're jealous


Now I know exactly what you're all about


So this is what you're all about


Girl' your such a backstabber

女孩, 你这个在背后暗算别人的人

Oh girl' you're such a Backst talker

哦女孩, 你这个信口雌黄的人

And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)

所有人都知道了, 所有人都知道了

Girl' your such a backstabber'

女孩, 你这个在背后暗算别人的人

Run your mouth more than everyone I've ever known


And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)

所有人都知道了, 所有人都知道了

(Talk talk talk talk talk talk)


I'm sick and tired of hearing all about my life


From other Backstes with all of your lies


Wrapped up so tight' so maybe you should shut your mouth'

收敛一下吧, 所以你应该闭上你的嘴

shut your mouth ' shut your mouth

闭上你的嘴, 闭上你的嘴

Honestly' I think it's kinda funny that you waste

说实话, 我觉得有些可笑, 你竟然浪费

Your breath talking about me


Got me feeling kinda special really (so this is what your all about)

让我真的感觉有点特别, 所以这就是你为什么这样的原因

Girl' your such a backstabber

女孩, 你这个在背后暗算别人的人

Oh girl' you're such a Backst talker

哦女孩, 你这个在背后暗算别人的人

And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)

所有人都知道了, 所有人都知道了

Girl' your such a backstabber'

女孩, 你这个在背后暗算别人的人

Run your mouth more than everyone I've ever known


And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)

所有人都知道了, 所有人都知道了

Katie's to the left there just there ripping my style


Damn' Jeanie why you gotta tell the secrets about my sex life

哎呀 珍妮 为什么你要告诉别人关于我性生活的秘密

All I ever did was drive your broke ass around


Pick you up' take you out


When your car broke down


Backstabber (3x)


Girl' your such a backstabber

女孩 你是在背后暗算别人的人

Oh girl' you're such a Backst talker

哦女孩, 你这个在背后暗算别人的人

And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)

所有人都知道了, 所有人都知道了

Girl' your such a backstabber

女孩, 你这个在背后暗算别人的人

(Taking and twisting and telling' so manipulative)

说啊, 扭曲事实的说啊,太会操作了

Run your mouth more than everyone I've ever known


And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)

所有人都知道了, 所有人都知道了

(Talk talk talk) Backstabber

说啊说啊说啊, 背后暗算别人的人

(Taking and twisting and telling' so manipulative)

说啊 扭曲事实的说啊, 太会操作了

Oh girl uhu' you're looking like a lunatic

哦女孩 你看起来就像个疯子

Everybody knows it (everybody knows it)

所有人都知道了, 所有人都知道了

Everybody knows


Yeah you're looking like a lunatic


And everybody knows


Yeah everybody knows





《Backstabber》这首歌曲是由歌手Kesha演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲总时长3分06秒,歌曲发行时间是2010年1月1日,歌曲发行之后,深受歌迷的喜欢,歌曲收录在专辑《Animal (Deluxe Edition)》之中,专辑收纳了歌手的十八首歌曲。


歌手Lyn Collins演唱的《Backstabber》收录在专辑《Check Me Out If You Don't Know Me by Now》之中,专辑发行时间是1975年2月14日,专辑收纳了歌手演唱的十八首歌曲。


这句话最早是莎翁所说:在Henry VI, Part 2 中, Shakespeare 写道: “Seal up your lips, and give no words but mum”



I ask you to seal your lips to words of hatred and of criticism, and to talk in

terms of brotherhood and of group relationships

总而言之,这是to keep secure or secret的意思


my lips are sealed

talk to me完美歌词

you talk me 请你说我

you speak with

don't sink before you rise baby

don't fade away 不消失

you hesitate 你毫不犹豫地

you seem to wait 你似乎要等待

for all the time we had 所有的时间,我们已

feels like a world away 让人感觉更像是一个远离世界

who's to say 谁在说

we'll be ok 我们将确定

we'll gonna make it through the night 我们会在哪里,它通过夜

don't wanna wake up in this state 不想醒来,在此状态

i just want us both to smile 我只是想我们既要微笑

cause we're the same 我们的事业是相同的

and i know that we'll never change 我知道我们将永远不能变

look i bought your favorite ice cream 看看我买了您最喜爱的冰淇淋

i dont wanna see it melt away 我不想看到它熔化

if you walk out now

i dou't know if we're gonna be the same

baby just talk with me

cause i want you to stay here with me

lips of an angel

歌手:hinder 专辑:extreme behavior

Honey why are you calling me so late

It's kinda hard to talk right now

Honey why are you crying is everything okay

I gotta whisper cause I can't be too loud

Well, my girl's in the next room

Sometimes I wish she was you

I guess we never really moved on

It's really good to hear your voice saying my name

It sounds so sweet

Coming from the lips of an angel

Hearing those words it makes me weak

And I never wanna say goodbye


But girl you make it hard to be faithful

With the lips of an angel

It's funny that you're calling me tonight

And yes I've dreamt of you too

And does he know you're talking to me

Will it start a fight

No I don't think she has a clue

Well my girl's in the next room

Sometimes I wish she was you

I guess we never really moved on

It's really good to hear your voice saying my name

It sounds so sweet

Coming from the lips of an angel

Hearing those words it makes me weak

But girl you make it hard to be faithful

With the lips of an angel

It's really good to hear your voice saying my name

It sounds so sweet

Coming from the lips of an angel

Hearing those words it makes me weak

And I never wanna say goodbye

But girl you make it hard to be faithful

With the lips of an angel

(And I never wanna say goodbye)

But girl you make it hard to be faithful

With the lips of an angel

Honey why are you calling me so late

以上就是关于帮忙找首歌!是一首英文歌,男歌手唱的,其中有一句歌词是“talk to me,talk to me”全部的内容,包括:帮忙找首歌!是一首英文歌,男歌手唱的,其中有一句歌词是“talk to me,talk to me”、Our Lips Are Sealed 歌词、eat talk play call ring 的现在分词 详解等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!



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