









例句:Hello, this is John Thompson






释义:n 抽水马桶;厕所;卫生间;洗手间;盥洗室。

例句:Where is the lavatory




读音:英 ['hɔːˌmɑːstə],美 ['hoʊrˌmɑːstə]。

释义:n 嫖客;拉皮条者。

例句:To study the relationship of Sociopsychological Factors and whoring behaviour of Whoremaster



读音:英 ['æblhed],美 ['æblhed]。

释义:n 傻瓜,糊涂虫。

例句:The addlehead's henchman living in the woods with all those filthy beasts


约翰·弥尔顿,英国诗人、政论家,民主斗士,英国文学史上伟大的六大诗人之一。下面是我给大家整理的john milton的英文简介,供大家参阅!

john milton简介

John Milton (December 9, 1608 to November 8, 1674) British poet, political commentator, democratic fighter, British literature in the history of one of the great six poets Representative works are long poem "Lost Paradise", "Fu Paradise" and "Lux" Samson

In 1625, Milton went to Cambridge University and began writing poetry After graduating from college and studying literature for 6 years In 1638, Milton traveled to Europe In 1640 the British Revolution broke out, Milton decided to join in the revolutionary movement, and published five books on religious freedom, in 1644, Milton also for freedom of speech and wrote "on the freedom of the press" In 1649, after the victory of the British colonies, Milton published "on the king and officials of the authority" and other documents to consolidate the revolutionary regime 1660, the British feudal dynasty restoration, Milton was arrested and imprisoned, was soon released, then he concentrate on writing poetry

john milton人物经历

On December 9, 1608, John Milton was born Milton's father is a legal instrument, the family is more honest Although his father was a Puritan, but not as much as the other Puritans at that time, he likes music, but also guide Milton to love music He also loves books such as life, while the young Milton played little like his father like books Milton's father also specifically for his hired a private teacher, Milton just over ten years old, you can write some good poetry At that time Milton often learned late into the night, which had a very bad impact on his later body

At the age of 12, his father sent Milton to a man named St Paul's men's school at the time of study, 15 years old entered the University of Cambridge The young Milton faces handsome, but proud, thought independent Milton had intended to go to the British Church as a pastor But the conflict between the Catholics and the Puritans intensified, and Milton was a Puritan

After completing college studies, Milton gave up the idea of being a pastor in the British Church, and for some time he did not know what to do Repeated thinking, he firmly believe that he should be born poet He lived his father about 20 miles from London's Dunton village estate for nearly five years, and in order to better realize his own ideals in the future, he began to write poetry and study

In the past five years, he wrote a large number of short poems, including "happy people" to express a longing for a happy life, "meditation" on the thought of meditation was described, "Liesidas" praise A drowned friend, "Commas" shows a masquerade

But soon, he began to feel tired of this quiet pastoral life He is eager to the outside world more exciting So he took his father to his money, embarked on a journey to France, Switzerland, Italy In Italy, he heard that the British King and the contradiction between the people imminent, and soon may be the outbreak of war So he immediately gave up the plan to travel and write poetry, rushed back to England

After returning to London, he strongly opposed the conservative party and devoted all his energy to writing a large number of political pamphlets that supported the freedom of the people Published in 1644, "published freedom", bold attack on the British press censorship system; published in 1649, "the destruction of idols," advocated the death of Charles I; 1650 published "to defend the British people", to meet the Republican and revolutionary arrival

In 1649, according to the parliamentary judgment, King Charles I was beheaded, while Oliver Cromwell came to power, became the head of government, and was called "protect the country" The leaders of the Puritan government, who had written a large number of essays and pamphlets written by Milton for the victory of the Republic in the revolution, then appointed him as secretary for foreign affairs In addition to his Latin alphabet, which is responsible for translating foreign governments, he must also answer in Latin, and he is responsible for criticizing the attacks and statements against the Cromwell government Because of the heavy task, he had to work day and night, soon, vision began to decline, the doctor warned him to stop using the eye, otherwise he will be blind But he refused the doctor asked him to give up the heavy reading and writing work advice, continue to work hard Eventually, by 1652, his eyes were completely blind Even so, he did not stop working, he used to read the way he wrote others to work day and night to continue Soon, his wife died, gave him left three young girl waiting, the largest but also 6 years old This is a busy business for the blind people is undoubtedly worse

Soon, the king saved the regime to regain the regime Charles II (the son of the former king) boarded the throne Protestants are everywhere to escape And some went to the United States, and some were arrested and sentenced to death Milton hid a friend for a few months, his property was confiscated, his book was burned by the executioner Finally, Milton was caught in the prison, so the king later let him Milton ended the social life, and began to poetry again, he spent seven years to write the poem "lost paradise" In this poem, he tells how Satan has betrayed God, how Eve and Adam have been expelled from Eden and so on He was blind because of his eyes, had to read by him, and sometimes let his daughter to write, and sometimes by visiting friends to write "Paradise" for him to win a high reputation, many scholars and politicians so far away from the road, came to visit him After completing this masterpiece, he wrote the "Rebirth Paradise", and a drama about the Samsoni of Rex (Samson was Israel Hercules, and was as blind as Milton in his later years)

November 8, 1674, Milton died

john milton创作特点

Theme of the work

In his writings, Milton elaborated liberalism from the aspects of natural human rights, freedom of the press, freedom of religious belief, freedom of education, freedom of marriage and so on Milton believes that freedom, property, life is the natural rights of people, inviolable, that people have the right to overthrow the freedom of the tyrant He also criticized the British system of review of books published, against the practice of strangling the truth, demanding freedom of speech and publication, creating the conditions for the spread of capitalist ideology and culture After gaining these rights, Milton further affirmed the existence of man In the religious view, he put forward a rational belief, which is actually a Christian humanistic view of religion, requires people to have a rational, free choice, cultivate virtue, with a good individual directly with God to communicate and communicate Milton proposed his own different from the theological, secular feudal education reform program, trying to establish a modern education system At the same time, due to Milton's own marriage experience, he particularly advocates equality between men and women, freedom of marriage After the failure of the revolution, Milton began the creation of three long poems, reflecting the theme of freedom in his trilogy, expressing the poet as a tenacious liberal fighter, still in the post-restoration mood Believe in the confidence of the revolution

"Paradise", "Fu Paradise" and "Warrior Samson" have shown people's struggle and salvation, are touched the works of the human mind, the poet on the deepest human morality, spirit and belief in the exploration, Milton's reflection on man and human nature, thinking about the problems of human unfortunate roots and how people can be saved The theme of redemption is embodied in the selection of the theme of the long poem and the shaping of the characters

Artistic characteristics

The theme of the selection, Milton "Paradise Lost" by the ancestor of Adam, Eve by Sedan lure to be deprived of the story of the park, revealing the concept of Christian "original sin" to promote human beings should be realistic attitude to bear the burden of earthly life , Save yourself with atonement The story of the restoration of the paradise with Jesus' victory over all the temptations of Satan shows that mankind can overcome all kinds of suffering and save if he can improve his character "Warrior Samson" by the tragic character Samson, imprisoned, blind, suffered humiliation, at the expense of revenge life experience, complained about Milton's own political experience and ideals and beliefs, praised the struggle for the noble cause Perseverance of the character and at the expense of their salvation spirit

约翰•科特(John Kotter)是领导变革之父,举世闻名的领导力专家,他很早就提出了现代企业领导者面临的一个重大挑战——如何在竞争激烈的环境中迅速采取行动并保持相关性。为此,1996年,他出版了变革管理史上一本重要的著作 《Leading Change》 ,他在这本书里提出了 企业变革的八步流程 。2014年Kotter 在他的新书 ' Accelerate:  Building Strategic Agility for a Faster-Moving World' (2014) 中扩展了1996年的八步变革模型。成为8个变革加速器(Accelerator)。

本文就结合他的变革加速模型并结合个人敏捷转型(Agile Transformation)的实际,谈谈个人对于敏捷转型的一点思考。

变革的动力来自哪里?对可能发生危机的紧迫感。一般意义而言,人性抗拒改变。但是如果危机来临,他们就会奋起改变。领导者必须有意识地创造变革的紧迫感(Sense of Urgency),才能更好的推动变革。比尔盖茨曾经说过,微软离破产永远只有18个月。就是在给微软的员工创造一种不断努力创新的紧迫感。对于大多数人来说,这种紧迫感的来源是被动的。但对于领导者来说,这是主动求变。


自我分析照镜子。 变革领导者通过分析组织现状,找出自身不足和可能的危机,从而为变革提供必要性和合法性;人在危机中,更容易转变。组织也是一样的。任正非常常采用这种方法提醒华为。经常说:“华为离破产不远了“,”华为的冬天要来了”。


所以另外一种方式是 面向未来看世界。 变革领导者主动对标行业内,或者组织内和先进水平,找到差距。激励组织向行业标杆学习。华为在历史上就经过了向IBM学习管理,规范化研发,采购,财务等现代企业制度,框架体系。顺利完成向现代企业的转型。



部门高层: 日益严苛的商业环境。不断加剧的竞争。AI、Big Data、Cloud Computing等新技术,新的业务模式层出不穷,企业如何应对?敏捷是有效地进行新技术应用,开发新业务的模式。

基层经理,开发骨干。 顺应新的开发潮流,学习新的技能。来自上级单位的指示。公司高层业务的转型。新兴软件公司的在线不间断服务升级,最新的敏捷开发模式。

普通员工。 加班,工作压力与个人竞争力挑战。如何在市场中保持竞争力?从而应对这个世界的变化?可以是提升自身竞争力,提高工作效率,保持工作和生活平衡。




1 组织的领导者 – 特别是热心,认同敏捷的高层领导者

2 愿意执行敏捷转型的部门,团队负责人

3 敏捷教练和顾问

4 关键的利益相关人(stakeholder)






在最初的时候,我召集了几个scrum master一起商量,但是进展缓慢。后来我吸收一位热心的Manager一起加入变革小组。当团队看到有manager加入以后,感到部门很重视,所以团队的积极性也大有提高。



关于如何制定愿景,可以参看 -  Scrum master成长笔记:如何为Scrum团队设定愿景目标?


Kotter说,Large-scale change can only occur when very significant numbers of employees amass under a common opportunity and drive in the same direction (只有当大量员工聚集在一起,在一个共同的目标指引下,朝着同一个方向前进时,大规模变革才会发生)。


所以在敏捷转型过程中,挑选的试点团队不要多,而要精,有奉献精神。只有这样的团队才能最大限度保证转型实验的成功。参与转型的组织需要根据自己的实际情况来筛选,MiKe Cohn 也特别强调试点项目团队是转型成功的关键。试点团队必须有强烈的愿望,合适的技能,正在参与合适的项目,他们的成果要足够有说明性。



对于团队来说,可以结合个人变革模型ADKAR中的KA (Knowledge和Ability)。给予团队指导,培训,以帮助他们具备实现变革的能力。


核心团队能力培养。 转型困难的根本原因在于团队缺乏足够的能力和知识面对新的变化 。从我的经验看,很多组织大大低估了变革的难度和所需要的知识,能力的准备。团队大多都会进行简单的培训,请人讲几次,推荐一些资料让大家自学,然后就向全体人员宣布,我们的转型开始了。实际上,这些培训远远不够,你能指望一个人参加了一个两天的培训就宣布她是一个合格的scrum master吗?在执行中的问题不计其数。所以有一个教练和顾问是很有必要的。在前期,需要非常具体地指导,解决执行过程中地所有问题。

培训内部关键角色: 有效的、系统性的培养关键角色,让他们成长为转型中的关键力量,比如Product Owner、Scrum Mater、Tech Lead、Agile QA以及内部教练等,为他们提供专门的培训,制定能力模型,让他们看到基于能力模型的持续成长;

团队领导力培训。 大部分公司和团队都比较重视敏捷相关知识和工具的培训。 但是对于敏捷转型来说它不仅是一场流程,工具的改变,而是思想的变革。 变革需要团队成员具有较强的领导力,John Kotter在谈到他的加速模型时非常强调领导力在变革中的作用。领导力的培养至关重要。

强有力地支持和指导。 强有力的领导联盟可以保证团队在安全地环境逐步学习技能,提供必要地培训,资源地支持。给与团队足够地时间和空间去掌握新地技能,投入工作。

我个人在对敏捷团队培训时有意识地对主要角色(Scrum master,PO)专门增加领导力的培训内容,比如情景式领导力,高绩效团队模型,有效沟通和反馈,团队冲突处理等。这样有助于他们更好地带领团队。

但是作为Guide Coalition,我在创造良好的外部环境方面做的不够。当团队接到一些紧急任务的时候,大家就又回到了原来的开发模式上。在这方面,以后还要主动争取部门高层的支持和保护。










在我的改进项目中,在2020年初,已经取得了一些进展。比如团队开始使用任务版管理任务,sprint planning和sprint retrospective都已经扎扎实实的开始了。但是由于2月份的新冠疫情的影响,年后一直有所停滞。需要重启的时候,确实感觉大家的劲头不如以前。所以间接证明保持加速势头确实很重要。





王老西 敏捷实践者,关注敏捷转型和敏捷领导力的研究。欢迎留言一起探讨 














以上就是关于john中文意思全部的内容,包括:john中文意思、john milton的英文简介、John Kotter的变革加速模型与敏捷转型实践等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!



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