大家知道灰姑娘乐队么80年代很著名的金属乐队~~还有skin row乐队 谁知道从哪能下到他们的

大家知道灰姑娘乐队么80年代很著名的金属乐队~~还有skin row乐队 谁知道从哪能下到他们的,第1张


中文名: 灰姑娘

外文名: Cinderella

国籍: 美国

出生地: 费城

代表作品: 《Night Songs》 《Long Cold Winter》

乐队成员: Tom Keifer - Vocals

乐队成员: Fred Coury - Drums

乐队成员: Jeff Labar - Guitars

乐队成员: Eric Brittingham - Bass





Hair Metal(微金属)

Hard Rock(硬摇滚)

Heavy Metal(重金属)



Cinderella 是由费城两位经验丰富的酒吧乐手Tom Keifer 以及 Eric Brittingham 发起成立的。吉他手 Jeff Lebar 因为与他们在同一个酒吧演出,也就自然加入到急需一位吉他手的 Cinderella 乐队中来。他们选用的乐队名Cinderella(灰姑娘)被认为缺少重金属气质,但这正体现了乐队华丽、雌性的风格和打扮。一次偶然的机会,Bon Jovi 乐队的主唱 Jon Bon Jovi 在酒吧里认识了Cinderella,这位歌星事先预感了他们的成功,他向自己的唱片公司 Mercury 强烈推荐,次年 Cinderella 就和 Mercury 公司签约。在增加了鼓手 Fred Coury 后,

1986年6月 Cinderella 发表了他们的第一张 Glam Metal 风格的专辑《Night Songs》,专辑销售出了200万张。Cinderella 一夜之间从一个 Club Band 变成 Rock Star。

1988年,乐队推出了第二张专辑《Long Cold Winter》,乐队吸取了大量布鲁斯音乐的精髓,并把它加入到他们所擅长的硬摇滚中去,这种音乐风格正好适合 Keifer 的嗓音,乐队受到了一系列的好评,专辑的销量达到600万张,在此以前, Cinderella 一直是为 Bon Jovi, AC/DC, David Lee Roth, Judas Priest 这些的巨星担任暖场演出,现在,他们可以自己独当一面了。专辑《Long Cold Winter》之后是一系列的巡回演出,1987年 Cinderella 乐队与 Bon Jovi , David Lee Roth , Judas Priest 以及 AC/DC 等重金属乐队参加了据称有十万人到场的 Castle Donnington festival 音乐节。 不过乐队的巅峰之作当属在

1990年推出的第三张专辑《Heartbreak Station》,每个吹毛求疵的乐评都不得不对它停止了批评,哀怨的布鲁斯与激烈的硬摇滚聚在一起凑成了一锅美味的大餐,加上吹奏乐器的大量使用,弦乐部分由 Led Zeppelin 乐队的元老 John Paul Jones 安排,Cinderella 已成为一支非常优秀的摇滚乐队。

1993年,Cinderella 的事业遭到几个严重的打击,首先是主唱 Tom Keifer 患上了声带结节并且日趋严重,精细的手术和禁声的治疗是非常必要的,否则将严重影响歌者的音质(其实你只要听过他的演唱,就会明白他的嗓子为什么会坏了);然后 Fred Coury 离开了 Cinderella 加入了 Arcade 乐队,Fred Coury 的位置由 Ray Brinker 取代;但更不幸的是 Tom Keifer 的母亲去世,可以想象这对 Tom Keifer 的打击有多大。

直到1994年,Cinderell a才出版了第四张专辑《Still Climbing》,然而此时的乐坛已是非主流当道,Cinderella 所擅长的 Pop Metal 已是强弩之末,Cinderella 的复出并未引起人们太大的兴趣,而且这张专辑也不如上张专辑出色,乐队惯有的布鲁斯风格也大大减少了,Mercury 公司并没有对这张专辑进行必要的宣传,《Still Climbing》没有得到预期的成功,销量远未达到白金数字(100万张),成了80年代重金属衰落的标志

1995年,Cinderella 匆匆结束了一次短暂的巡演便在人们的猜疑中解散了,不是乐队成员之间的矛盾或是不公的命运将他瓦解,而是唱片公司人为地因素将他掷入低谷,乐队各成员开始自己独立的活动。

1997年,80年代金属热潮在次席卷全美,在唱片公司热心支持下 Cinderella 推出了一张名为《Once Upon A》的精选专辑,里面收录两首新歌:“War Stories” 和翻唱 Janis Joplin 的 “Move Over ”。 随着重金属音乐开始复苏,Cinderella 又开始活跃起来,乐队成员又重新聚在了一起。

1998年 Cinderella 展开名为 "Unfinished Business" 的巡回演出,收到了很好的效果

2000年夏季,Cinderella 与 Poison, Slaughter 和 Dokken 等团体共同举行巡演,场面依然火爆,看来,Cinderella 的第二个春天又来到了。 目前 Cinderella 正与词曲作者 Desmond Child(他曾与Bon Jovi, Kiss等团体共同创作了许多热门歌曲)合作,新专辑《Down Street》将在2001年推出。


When I was just a little girl 当我还是个小女孩时

My momma used to tuck me into bed 妈妈总是喜欢把我塞进床里

and she'd read me a story 然后 为我讲个故事

It always was about a Princess in distress 总是关于一个不幸的公主

And how a guy would save her and end up with the glory 然后一个王子如何英雄就美,故事唯美落幕

I'd lie in bed and think about the person that I want to be 我就躺在床上,梦想我会成为那个人

Then one day I realized the fairy tale life wasn't for me 终于有一天我明白,那不是属于我的童话

[Chorus] (和声)

I don't wanna be like Cinderella 我不想像灰姑娘一样

Sittin' in a dark old dusty cellar 坐在黑暗脏乱的地窖里

Waiting for somebody, to come and set me free 等待着一个人来解救我

I don't wanna be like Snow White waiting 我也不想像白雪公主那样等待

For a handsome prince to come and save me On a horse of white, 等待一个英俊的白马王子来救我

unless we're riding side by side 我们比翼双飞

Don't want to depend on no one else 不想奢望成为别人

I'd rather rescue myself 只希望可以自我救赎

Someday I'm gonna find someone who wants my soul, heart, and mind 总有天我会找到一个人,愿拥有我的灵魂,我的心,我的思想

Who's not afraid to show that he loves me 他并不害怕将他对我的爱公之于众

Somebody who will understand I'm happy just the way I am 他会理解,我就爱这样的我

Don't need nobody taking care of me 不需要别人的呵护

I will be there for him just as strong as he will be there for me 我要像他一样强壮,就像他做为我付出的那样

When I give myself then it has to got to be, an equal thing 我们的付出彼此相等


I can slay, my own dragons 我会降伏我的猛兽

I can dream, my own dreams 我可以梦我所梦

My knight in shining armour is me 我憧憬的骑士就是我自己

So I'm gonna set me free 我将解救我自己

I she'd tears writing this song

That's the last time I she'd tears

I guess not all fairy tales come with a happy ending

So lemme tell you how it is, listen up


I didn't want it like this, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but girl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

I didn't want it like this, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it our, but girl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl

They Shared so much love they can't ditch

She brought the joy to his world

They said they'd never leave each other,

Thought that this road was for sure

But little did they know, they was about to make a swurve

Those three little words were said too soon

See things aren't the way they used to be

Now they gotta worry, time ain't even worthy

Tryna work it out, but clocked out a lil too early

So she's sittin' at home and contemplating mistakes

And he's lying all alone trying not to stay awake

Cause he only meets her in his dreams

When he goes to sleep

And she's drowning in their pain

Cause her eyes always weep

So keep the book shut and don't let it unfold

Or turn to another chapter for a different story to be told

Cause all good things must come to a DISASTER

Here's the reason why they're livin' sadly ever after


I didn't want it like this, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but girl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

I didn't want it like ths, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but gitl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

You took me for granted girl, and now I'm gone

I gotta let it go, girl, I'm movin' on, movin' on

I'll admit you swept me off my feet

But I fell in now

I'll learn to get back up

I'm a strong dude with a lotta pride

You played me, had other boys on the side

But I ain't gonna trip, I'm a just let it slide

I'm independent I don't need you to ride

You was in the front, but now u in the back

We was in love and it felt just like that

And I took the hit, my heart was crying

All the things you said to me, you was just lying

I tried and tried but now I'm done trying

When all you do is just keep on denying,

A fairy tale just a waste of my time

Days gone by girl, you faded from my mind


I didn't want it like this, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but girl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

I didn't want it like ths, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but gitl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

Everything we worked for it all went down the drain

I'm sayin this to you cause I can't take the pain

I shoulda seen this comin rite from the start

You had it in your hands

But you tore my heart apart

I'm standing here and I can't look at your face

So take the memories I packed it in a suitcase

My eyes are blurry girl, you mad it hard to see

You wanna play the game, this game is over with me

I used to be a fool over and over again

But not this time, I'm callin' it an end

The truth hurts but it has to come out

So go that way and I'll take this route

And that's the reason why I wrote this song

You tried to hide it, but I knew it all along

I got my boys there tellin' me to be strong

I'm done askin' why oh why you ever do me wrong


I didn't want it like this, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but girl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

I didn't want it like ths, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but gitl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

They say, when you love something,

Let it go and it comes back to you

And it's truly yours, right

Well, you know what

It's happened 1 too many times

And uhh needless to say

It ain't workin' out baby

So Long

It was a hot afternoon and Wendy looked out of the classroom window Then the teacher said the word 'prize' Wendy sat up and listened ' Each student is going to grow a pumpkin There is going to be a prize for the biggest pumpkin ,' said the teacher

Wendy was happy, 'I'm going to win!' she thought'I'm going to grow the biggest pumpkin! '

'You can grow the pumpkins in your gardens,' said the teacher 'You have four months' The teacher gave each student ten pumpkins seeds 'Oh no!' thought Wendy ' I haven't got a garden ' Wendy's family lived in a small flat It had no garden Lucy laughed at Wendy 'Ha ha! You haven't got a garden!' she said 'You're too poor You can't grow a pumpkin' Wendy was angry and sad

Then Wendy thought, 'I can grow my pumpkin in a pot' After school she went to the shops She bought a big pot She went home by bus, and put the pot on the balcony Now she was not sad or angry She was happy

Wendy planted the seeds in the pot She watered the seeds every night A pumpkin plant grew Wendy was very happy She bought some more seeds and grew some flowers, too Soon her balcony was very beautiful

A Garden Fairy saw Wendy's flowers She flew down and sat on a flower

'What a beautiful garden! I like it here,' she said

The children's pumpkins grew and grew The children measured the pumpkins every week

John said, 'My pumpkin is twenty centimeters high!'

Tina said, 'My pumpkin is thirty centimeters wide!' My pumpkin is bigger than John's pumpkin

'But my pumpkin is the biggest,' said Wendy 'It's forty centimeters high and sixty centimeters wide I'm going to win the prize!'

'Bring your pumpkins to school on Friday,' said the teacher 'We are going to weight them'

The children were all excited

Wendy was not excited She was sad her pumpkin was not very big

On Thursday evening the Garden Fairy came to the balcony 'Why are you crying, Wendy' she asked 'I'm crying because I'm not going to win the prize tomorrow,' said Wendy 'I said my pumpkin was the biggest But that isn't true It isn't big enough!' 'Don't cry,' said the Garden Fairy 'I can help you'

'Look, the pumpkin is growing!' said the Garden Fairy Wendy looked the pumpkin grew very quickly 'It's as big as an orange!' said Wendy 'Now it's as big as a football Now it's as big as a watermelon! Oh thank you, Garden Fairy!'

Wendy went to school by bus on Friday She carried her pumpkin It was very heavy!

The children looked at Wendy's pumpkin It was bigger than all their pumpkins 'I'm going to win the prize!' said Wendy 'My pumpkin is the biggest!' Wendy looked at John's pumpkin 'Oh, yours is very small, John!' she said She looked at Tina' s pumpkin 'Oh, yours is smaller, Tina!' She laughed

The Garden Fairy was there She looked at Wendy and she was angry

Wendy's pumpkin grew and grew

'It's growing bigger and bigger said Lucy

'We're going to weigh all the pumpkins at three o'clock ,' said the teacher

Wendy's pumpkin was now enormous It was bigger than Wendy Suddenly there was a big Bang!

'Look! said John Wendy's pumpkin has exploded !'

Wendy was very sad

'You laughed and said your pumpkin was the biggest,' said the Garden Fairy 'That wasn't very nice!' 'I'm sorry,' said Wendy to Tina and John 'That's all right ,' said Tina 'Don't cry, Wendy Come to my house after school We can play in the garden'

After school, Wendy went to the Tina's house The Garden Fairy went, too They all played in the garden

This is a pumpkin It is round and it has a hard skin Pumpkins can be different colours They are usually orange, but sometimes they are yellow, white, green or brown

Pumpkins usually weigh between four and eight kilogrammes Sometimes pumpkins can be very big

The biggest pumpkin in the world weighed 342 kilogrammes!

Farmer Greenhand grows pumpkins He plants the seeds in a greenhouse in the spring In the greenhouse the ground is dark and warm and wet Farmer greenhand waits for three weeks The seeds grow into little plants The plants have roots under the ground They have leaves above the ground Farmer Greenhand takes the plants to his field He puts them in the ground He plants them in little hills He waters the pumpkin plants

The plants grow bigger and bigger The leaves are heart-shaped

Now yellow flowers grow on the plants The flowers are bell-shaped The flowers grow into little pumpkins The pumpkin plants need water and sunlight The pumpkins grow very quickly In the autumn the pumpkins are big enough Farmer Greedhand picks them He sells the pumpkins at the market

歌曲名:Fairy Tales

歌手:The Style Council

专辑:Sweet Loving Ways - The Collection


I she'd tears writing this song

That's the last time I she'd tears

I guess not all fairy tales come with a happy ending

So lemme tell you how it is, listen up

I didn't want it like this, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but girl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

I didn't want it like this, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it our, but girl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl

They Shared so much love they can't ditch

She brought the joy to his world

They said they'd never leave each other,

Thought that this road was for sure

But little did they know, they was about to make a swurve

Those three little words were said too soon

See things aren't the way they used to be

Now they gotta worry, time ain't even worthy

Tryna work it out, but clocked out a lil too early

So she's sittin' at home and contemplating mistakes

And he's lying all alone trying not to stay awake

Cause he only meets her in his dreams

When he goes to sleep

And she's drowning in their pain

Cause her eyes always weep

So keep the book shut and don't let it unfold

Or turn to another chapter for a different story to be told

Cause all good things must come to a DISASTER

Here's the reason why they're livin' sadly ever after

I didn't want it like this, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but girl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

I didn't want it like ths, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but gitl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

You took me for granted girl, and now I'm gone

I gotta let it go, girl, I'm movin' on, movin' on

I'll admit you swept me off my feet

But I fell in now

I'll learn to get back up

I'm a strong dude with a lotta pride

You played me, had other boys on the side

But I ain't gonna trip, I'm a just let it slide

I'm independent I don't need you to ride

You was in the front, but now u in the back

We was in love and it felt just like that

And I took the hit, my heart was crying

All the things you said to me, you was just lying

I tried and tried but now I'm done trying

When all you do is just keep on denying,

A fairy tale just a waste of my time

Days gone by girl, you faded from my mind

I didn't want it like this, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but girl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

I didn't want it like ths, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but gitl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

Everything we worked for it all went down the drain

I'm sayin this to you cause I can't take the pain

I shoulda seen this comin rite from the start

You had it in your hands

But you tore my heart apart

I'm standing here and I can't look at your face

So take the memories I packed it in a suitcase

My eyes are blurry girl, you mad it hard to see

You wanna play the game, this game is over with me

I used to be a fool over and over again

But not this time, I'm callin' it an end

The truth hurts but it has to come out

So go that way and I'll take this route

And that's the reason why I wrote this song

You tried to hide it, but I knew it all along

I got my boys there tellin' me to be strong

I'm done askin' why oh why you ever do me wrong

I didn't want it like this, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but girl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

I didn't want it like ths, but it's how it goes

Sometimes every love eventually takes it's own roads

We tried to work it out, but gitl we failed

A waste of a time, just another fairy tale

They say, when you love something,

Let it go and it comes back to you

And it's truly yours, right

Well, you know what

It's happened 1 too many times

And uhh needless to say

It ain't workin' out baby

So Long


中高档女装,走气质路线,质量没的说 。 冬装500往上,春夏的衣服大概400往上,会员打9折。我自己经常去买,感觉那里的衣服比较有气质吧。但是不适合20岁以下的,比较适合大学生和职业女性。我自己还在上大学,经常对那里的价格恨的牙痒痒,经济不独立的孩子伤不起啊。。。我个人比较喜欢的是那里有些衣服是限量生产的,很多衣服经常是仅此几件,补货无能的。。。(不知道是不是老板娘忽悠我)所以,你懂得

以上就是关于大家知道灰姑娘乐队么80年代很著名的金属乐队~~还有skin row乐队 谁知道从哪能下到他们的全部的内容,包括:大家知道灰姑娘乐队么80年代很著名的金属乐队~~还有skin row乐队 谁知道从哪能下到他们的、跪求Lil Crazed的Fairy tale歌词、1.The Garden Fairy等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!



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