

Narrator: Julie is a very pretty girl who is popular with her classmates But she has a serious problem—she is vain One day, during lunch hour at school, the two pretty girls are talking which color nail polish to put on (说明:Julie是个漂亮且受同学欢迎的人,但是她很自负,一天,学校午餐时间,两个女孩在谈论应该涂那种颜色的指甲油)

Debbie: What colors should I put on nails for the math class Look, my calculator is black but my shoes are pink Maybe I can choose both of the colors That will be cool (数学课我应该用什么颜色呢?瞧,我的计算器是黑色的而鞋子是粉红色的。也许我应该把两种颜色混合起来,那样一定很酷。)

Teresa: What about me I don’t know which color I should put on for the PE class, either My sneakers are blue and the athlete uniform is orange Would you advise me Oh hi, Cath, what do you think—blue or orange (那我怎么办呢我同样不知道体育课应该用什么颜色,我的运动鞋是蓝色的,运动服是橘**的,你能给我点建议吗?Cath你是怎么想的,蓝色还是橘**?)

Cathy: Gosh, I don’t know Is this important(天啊!我不知道,这个很重要吗?)

Debbie: God, you don’t know anything, do you, Cathy(上帝,你什么都不知道吧,Cathy)

Teresa: Yeah, you don’t even brush your hair in the mornings Scarecrow! (是啊,你甚至早上起来都不梳头,你是个稻草人。)

Cathy: At least I’m not stupid like you! Don’t you have something better to talk about than make-up (但是我不会像你们那样愚蠢,除了瞎扯你们就没什么别的要说的了吗?)

Teresa: You are just jealous of us because you’re so ugly! (你是嫉妒我们吧,因为你真的很丑。)

Cathy: How dare you! Tell them to shut up! (你太大胆了,叫她们闭嘴!)

Narrator: Julie is offended by Cathy She thinks Teresa is right (说明:Julie被Cathy激怒了,她认为T是对的)

Julie: Look in the mirror, Cathy (你也不照照镜子,C)

Narrator: The same evening, Julie is trying to do her science homework when her brother comes in (说明:同一天晚上J正在做自然科学作业,他的弟弟走了进来)

David: Do you have the money I lent you last week, Julie (我上星期借给你的钱该还了吧,J?)

Julie: Sorry, Dave I bought some mascara yesterday (抱歉,D,我昨天买涂眉毛的油了。)

David: But you promised! I need it for the movies tonight! (但是你答应了今天给我的,我晚上还要看**呢。)

Julie: It was an emergency! (这只是一个突发事件。)

David: Huh, your priorities are all wrong, sis Nice pimple you have there, by the way (哼,姐姐你的优先权是没有理由的,顺便说一句你脸上的痘痘很漂亮)

Julie: Pimple! What pimple! Aaaargh!! It’s huge! It’s so big! (痘痘?什么痘痘?天啊,怎么会这么大啊?)

David: Ha ha ha, with all that make-up you use, I’m not surprised (你总数用你的那些化妆品,我知道有一天会这样的)

Narrator: Of course Julie is in shock Now this is really an emergency (说明:J震惊了,真的突发事件啊!)

Julie: Put a small amount on the affected area and leave on for twenty minutes max Wash off with warm water (在患处敷上一些,20分钟后用热水洗掉)

Excellent, so if I put a large amount of this on my whole face over night, it will be even better, right (太好了,要是我把整张脸都敷上,效果一定会更好)

Narrator: So that’s exactly what she did and went to bed looking like Godzilla! (说明:她真的这样做了,然后像G一样睡觉)

Narrator: It’s another beautiful day Julie wakes up at the six o’clock She walks to the bathroom to wash her face, but there’s something wrong (又是一个好天气,J6点起床了。走进洗手间去洗脸,但是出问题了)

Narrator: She tries warm water, hot water, and cold water Use her fingers, a sponge, even her toothbrush! The rock hard and bright green mask stays well on her face She couldn’t even move her mouth to speak Narrator: She goes to her parents’ room and wakes them up (温水,热水,冷水她都试了个遍,用了她的手,海绵甚至是牙刷。那些坚硬似岩石的面膜还是在她脸上,她甚至连张嘴生活都不行,她走到父母的房间,把他们弄醒了)

Mom: Aaaargh! (上帝啊!)

Father: Julie, is that you What is that on your face (J,是你吗?你是脸怎么了啊?)

Julie: Grgmmf…hrmmphgh…gh(……%……¥%¥) Mom: You silly girl, can you follow the simple instruction Don’t you do experiments in science any more or what (你真的个蠢孩子,你能不能按照说明做呢?你是不是不在自然科学课上做实验了?还是有其他的原因?)

Julie: Gffrr… (#%#%¥)

Dad: Right Get dressed, Julie You’re going to school I’m sure the mask will come off sooner or later

Jule: HHRGGHHDD!! (好了,好了,穿好衣服J,你要去上学了,我相信你的面具早晚会掉的)

Mom: Yes, dear Be patient(是啊,耐心点!)





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