Do animals have fellings

Do animals have fellings,第1张

yes they do

Unlike a child that can respond verbally to let you know how they feel , animals cannot talk Through our work with animals we have learned to look for other means of communication to help us figure out their emotional state and to better understand their illness or injury As we studied our patients over the past eleven years, we learned more than just how they communicate, but how they feel and think

By far, the most common questions that the public asks us, are about the emotions and the intelligence of animals This particular field of study is more than just an interest but is a passion for us

The scientific community rejects the idea that animals have higher emotions, those emotions that humans feel Throughout history, these feelings are what distinguished man from lower animals Today, there are still many trainers who work with animals that will avoid acknowledgment of animal’s feelings and intelligence, fearing persecution

On the other hand, the pendulum swings to the other side where people believe that animals have the same feelings as humans, such as in some Disney movies This is called anthropomorphism

After working with so many animals of different species we have drawn our own opinions to the subject Some animals are definitely more intelligent than formally believed and each animal has a unique personality As rehabilitators and surrogate parents, we have to teach many lessons to our patients to prepare them for release Many of their lessons were believed to be instinctive, experience has proven many of these beliefs to be incorrect We have also seen animals behave altruistic toward other animals, defying many of Darwin’s theories

Many of the creatures of Hawk Creek are permanent resident due to injury or imprinting, giving us great opportunities to observe them Here are only a few examples of our observations We hope that you will enjoy them and drawn up your own conclusion:

"Desperado", Hawk Creek's resident Harris Hawk, and comedian!

HARRIS HAWK - a sense of humor a complex plan

When Desperado arrived from Arizona, he spent the first couple of days placing all of the larger stones from the bottom of his enclosure and carefully balanced them on the top of the door So every time we walked into his enclosure, we caused all of the stones to fall on our heads While this was taking place, Desperado would fly to a closer vantage point and seemed to take great delight in his success It only took about four days before we removed all of the large stones and replaced them with hacky sacks and racquetballs Everyone was grateful since only the hacky sack could fit above the ledge above the door It is much softer on the old head! Desperado did not get the previous loud reaction from us and took to a new game He walked or actually stumbled around in his pool with his hacky sacks or racket balls in both feet

"Red" checks out the camera

RED FOX - joy, trust, and jealousy

Our fox has complex relationships with humans that mirror our own Red has definite opinions about certain people Even at eight years of age he still chooses who are his family, friends and foes With patience and respect, you can change your status from foe to family A familiar sounding car will get his tail wagging with the intensity increasing when a friend is in view As soon as we talk to him, his tail goes from a wag to a full propeller motion Upon entering his enclosure for a morning scratch, he falls into a submissive position on his back, closes his eyes and actually smiles! If we stop at another enclosure first or even if we stop to talk to someone else while scratching his tummy, we are immediately reprimanded by a verbal bark or gentle tug

Misu ("Rippling Water") is a female river otter from Iowa

RIVER OTTER - enthusiasm, attention getting schemes, forgiveness

We recently received a one year old river otter from Iowa that is extremely intelligent and playful We used operant conditioning (a positive form of training) to teach her husbandry behaviors To our surprise she immediately comprehended the trainers request and within a fifteen minute period, learned 3-4 behaviors She learned to target to the target stick, hold a position, followed a trainer and come when called! She not only learned all of these tasks, she did it with great enthusiasm and didn’t want to stop She creates her own games and she even does her own laundry Everyday, she takes her towel from inside and drags it across her enclosure and into the bottom of the pool As a matter of fact, her bowl and all of her toys are also on the bottom, everyday We believe that she does this to get our attention since she seems very pleased when we clean up her mess If we catch her in the act, we tell her "wrong" and she lies her head down while pouting and pretends that she was innocent She is a very special resident because she has somehow managed to be a very loving animal which is very unusual since she is a member of the weasel family and because of her harsh encounter with man She lost her front leg and half of her teeth due to leg-hold trap She has had numerous surgeries, shots, sutures, and was tested and examined for over six months After several frightening plane rides and unexpected layovers, she arrived a frightened, growling otter In this case most animals will either fear man for the rest of their life or require years of patient training with little gain Within two weeks she trusted us and welcomed a scratch, roll or tug on any part of her body We are greeted enthusiastically every time we enter the enclosure and she follows and participates in all cleaning activities We don’t know why she is this way, but we do know she is very special because it just doesn’t happen

From a horse that likes to tease people to a wild crow that feeds any songbird patient, our stories could go on forever but limited space allows for only a few We feel that man has underestimate animal's abilities to think, feel and learn Acknowledging these higher emotions would force us to rethink our relationship with animals, our utilitarian views

There, we said it It's out there now We can anticipate all kinds of mail from this article but we feel that it’s about time someone said it The sky didn’t fall, life goes on, so what was the big threat Anyway, we hope that you can see animals in a different light, we certainly do

Suggested reading:

When Elephants Weep by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

Love, Miracles, and Animal Healing by Allen M Scoen, DVM



Otter is a fur-covered, fish-eating aquatic animal水獭是全身长毛、以鱼为食的水生动物。

My jacket is made of otter skins我的皮夹克是用水獭皮做的。

The sea otter is gentle and relatively tame海獭性情温和并且相对来说不怕人

The otter, as knowing all the paths, took charge of the party水獭熟悉路径,担任了向导。

The otter was one of the earliest carnivores 水獭属于最早一批的食肉动物。



Recently, a survey was done to find out how nature was destroyed in some area As we can see from the diagram, a lot of animals are in danger now I think there are two reasons for this On the one hand, unplanned cutting trees and many fires caused the decrease of the forest, making many animals lose their homes to live in On the other hand, many animals have been killed illegally and as a result, some of them are in danger of dying out In my opinion, something should be done to stop this from happening again Firstly, natural reserves should be set up and ecological tours should be developed to protect animals Secondly, people who hunt illegally should be punished But the most important thing is that people should be made aware of the importance of animal protection Only in this way can we save nature and animals, which is of great value to human beings




otter /ˈɒtə/( otters )

N-COUNT An otter is a small animal with brown fur, short legs, and a long tail Otters swim well and eat fish水獭。








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