facial mask
face pack
面膜的相关 短语海藻面膜 seaweed mask ; THE BODY SHOP ; algae masque
睡眠面膜 SLEEPING MASK ; Water Sleeping Pack ; sleeping pack ; aqua active sleeping pack
奇迹面膜 OUT OF TROUBLE ; origins out of trouble
玫瑰面膜 Rose Mask ; ROSE FACE MASK ; Fresh ; Dainty Design - Rose Mask
芦荟面膜 Aloe Mask ; Aloe Vera Mask ; Dainty Design - Aloe Mask
清洁面膜 deep cleansing emergency mask ; best mask for congested skin ; PEELING ; DHC
膏状面膜 cream pack
人参面膜 ginseng beauty mask
生面膜 Revital Mask
面膜的英语例句1 This mask leaves your complexion feeling soft and supple
2 The mask is left on for about 15 minutes while it sets to a rubbery texture
3 Copy now the mask layer, applying to it Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur
复制面膜层, 点击滤镜 - 模糊 - 高斯模糊
4 Use the necessary instrument Polygonal Lasso Tool to outline the mask contour
5 The sleep mask that can moisturize nourish and repair your skin overnight
6 Relaxing masks moisturize the skin and refresh the skin
7 Minutes later, rinse the masque away with warm water and a washcloth
几分钟以后, 用温水和毛巾洗去面膜
8 Above services include a 5 min shoulder massage while the mask is applied
9 Mark out the mask along its contour with Polygonal Lasso Tool
10 Primrose Facial Cleansing MasqueDeep cleansing clay masque for most skin types
11 This creamy facial beauty mask feels soft and comfortable by touch
12 We have a facial mask, moisturizing lotion, eye - cream and tonic
包括面膜 、 水分乳霜 、 眼霜及爽肤水
13 Professional skin care, facial type, the efficacy of products all its aspects
涉及专业护肤 、 面膜类 、 功效产品等各个方面
14 We have facial mask, moisturizing lotion, eye cream and tonic
包括面膜, 保湿乳液, 眼霜及爽肤水
15 For dry skin - This mask conditions dry skin and leaves It'supple and radiant
对于干性皮肤 – 这个面膜可护理干性皮肤,并让它柔嫩光亮
关于面膜的英语趣闻:鸟粪面膜受热捧 一次180英镑A British spa is offering a new anti-wrinkle treatment in which clients pay £180 to have nightingale droppings smeared on to their skin
The unusual facial is already popular in Hollywood, with Tom Cruise among those who swear by its effectiveness
这种不同寻常的面部保养 方法 已经在好莱坞明星之间流行起来,他们说这种面膜效果非常好,汤姆·克鲁斯就是其中之一。
The 51-year-old actor started the treatments two years ago, and believes they have dramatically improved his complexion
Other fans include Victoria Beckham, 40, who began having the facials after a visit to Japan
Billed as an alternative to Botox injections, the droppings – which are collected on the Japanese island of Kyushu – are mixed with rice bran and water before being applied as a mask and left to soak into the pores for an hour
They contain enzymes which are said to break down dead skin – restoring complexions that have been damaged by ageing and sun exposure – and were traditionally used to help Japanese geisha remove the thick white make-up they were expected to wear
The mixture apparently does not smell of excrement, but is said to have a musty odour
Emma Hu, director of the Spa to You centre at the Hilton Hotel on London's Park Lane, said: 'The nightingales were fed on caterpillars that eat from plum trees
艾玛·胡是伦敦公园街上希尔顿酒店的Spa to You护肤中心主管,他说:“夜莺是吃着梅树上的毛毛虫长大的。”
'Clients are intrigued, but after the hour-long treatment users say it gives a shimmery, iridescent effect to the skin'
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