About Fencing (Olympic sport since 1896)Take the romantic, swashbuckling epics of Errol Flynn, add some rules, protective clothing and an electronic scoring system, and you have fencing at the Olympic Games. Two rivals stand opposite each other and feint, lunge, parry and riposte until one scores the required number of hits to win.
Evolved from the ancient form of combat, fencing is one of only four sports that has been featured at every modern Olympic Games. It was the first to include recognised professionals in a medals competition after modern Olympic Games founder Pierre de Coubertin arranged special events for professional fencing "masters" in the original 1896 and 1900 competitions.
The clothing has become so protective, though, that officials modified masks a few years ago to return a "human face" to the event. Fine, but for intense reality, the 1924 team foil competition still wins: After the Olympic Games, an Italian and a Hungarian settled a scoring controversy with a real duel.?
游泳 swimming 短池 short course 马拉松游泳 marathon swimming
泳姿 swimming stroke 自由泳 free style 仰泳 backstroke
蛙泳 breaststroke 蝶泳 butterfly 个人混合泳 individual medley
接力 relay 混合泳接力 medley relay 蹼泳 fin swimming
游泳选手 swimmer 分组预赛 heat 抢跳 beat the gun
触壁 touch 转身 turn 划水 stroke
(腿部)打水 kick 呼吸 breathe 准备活动 warm-up
游泳池 pool 泳道 lane 出发台 starting block
泳衣 swimsuit 游泳帽 swim cap 护目镜 swim goggle
跳水运动 diving 跳水 dive 跳板 springboard
跳台 platform 跳板跳水 springboard diving 跳台跳水 platform diving
双人跳水 synchronized diving 跳水运动员 diver 规定动作 compulsory
自选动作 optional 难度系数 degree of difficulty 向前跳水 forward dive
向后跳水 backward dive 反身跳水 reverse dive 向内跳水 inward dive
转体跳水 twist dive 臂立跳水 armstand dive 起跳 takeoff
腾空 flight 直体 straight 屈体 pike
抱膝 tuck 翻腾 somersault 转体 twist
花样游泳 synchronized swimming 单人项目 solo event 双人项目 duet event
集体项目 team event 规定动作 figures 技术自选 technical routine
自由自选 free routine 技术分数 technical merit 艺术印象分 artistic impression
岸上动作 deck movement
水球运动 water polo 后卫 back 前锋 forward
边锋 corner man 中锋 center forward 裁判 referee
节 quarter 踢球 kick the ball 任意球 free throw
直接任意球 direct free throw 球门球 goal throw 角球 corner throw
持球游泳 walking the ball
艺术体操Rhythmic Gymnastics 、体操Artistic Gymnastics、举重Weight lifting、射箭Archery 、射击Shooting 、柔道Judo、摔跤Wrestling 、拳击Boxing 、跆拳道Taekwondo 、棒球Baseball 、足球Football 、篮球Basketball、乒乓球Table tennis 、排球Volleyball、沙滩排球Beach Volleyball 、羽毛球Badminton 、垒球Softball、网球Tennis、手球Handball、曲棍球Hockey 、马术Equestrian 、铁人三项Triathlon、现代五项Modern Pentathlon 、击剑Fencing 、蹦床Trampoline 、田径Athletics 、自行车Cycling、帆船Sailing、皮划艇激流回旋Canoe Kayak-Slalom 、赛艇Rowing
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